
This webpage describes the policies of the Department of Psychology at URI regarding research involving human subjects. This document describes the rights and responsibilities of students who participate in research, researchers who conduct such research, and instructors who allow their students to participate in such research for credit.

Study Management System

The Department of Psychology leases software developed by Sona Systems, Ltd. This software product is an online study management system. In order to access the Study management system, please go to the web address listed below.

The Sona Systems, Ltd. Study management software complies with all major regulations governing human subject research and privacy of data stored online. This system complies with both HIPAA and Common Rule for customers in the United States.

System Administrator

The local administrator for the Sona system is Dr. Mollie Ruben. Please feel free to contact Dr. Ruben with any questions about the Sona system.

Contact the administrator at: