

As a part of our commitment to provide members with additional resources to learn and explore beyond the scope of what their classes may cover, the Ram Hacks team maintains this directory of all workshops that Ram Hacks has or will have held. This initiative allows for anyone – regardless of whether or not they’re a Ram Hacks member – to learn, as well as providing members a place to return to workshops that may have peaked their interest.

Workshop Name / TopicAboutAuthorUpdated
Bash ScriptingThis workshop introduces the basics of Bash scripting, covering topics such as variables, loops, and conditionals. Beyond basic syntax, though, the workshop also touches on how to use Bash to automate tasks and write more complex scripts.Matt HoganSpring 2024
DockerThis workshop focuses on the basics of docker. This presentation covers what Docker containers are and why they are used. The main purpose of this workshop was to get URI students acclimated with Docker and how to start making containers.Nick RobillardFall 2023
Git & GitHubn/an/an/a
KubernetesNicholas MendesSpring 2024

Contributing a Workshop

Interested in contributing your own workshop? Great! Reach out to the Ram Hacks admin to get started. We’re always looking for new workshops to add to our directory!


When contributing a new workshop, you should create a GitHub repository and organize it as follows:
A simple markdown file that acts as the guide for your workshop.

Exercise Folder(s)
Any exercises where you may provide starter code or other resources should have their own respective folder containing those resources. Optionally, you may provide a solution to your exercise here.

Media Folder
Use an image or video in your README file? Toss it in here! Markdown doesn’t like when we don’t keep our sources consistent and we want to be sure nothing is lost to time.

Please be sure to provide a description of your workshop for its ‘About’ in the directory when emailing the admin. You are also welcome to provide us a link (GitHub, portfolio site, etc.) that you’d like your ‘Author’ credit to point at.