InfoEd: FAQs

  1. How do I access the InfoEd test site?
    All URI faculty and staff have access to the InfoEd System. You can login into the InfoEd system using the link – and by using URI Single Sign On credentials. 
    (Username = email address and password = your SSO password)
    If you have questions or need help with your SSO credentials, please contact URI Helpdesk at 401-874-4357. 
  2. How do I access the InfoEd Live Environment.
    All URI faculty and staff have access to the InfoEd System. You can login into the InfoEd system using the link – and by using URI Single Sign On credentials. 
    (Username = email address and password = your SSO password)
    If you have questions or need help with your SSO credentials, please contact URI Helpdesk at 401-874-4357. 
  3. I cannot find my Sponsor in the InfoEd sponsor database. What do I do?
    Please submit a new sponsor request using the New Sponsor Request FORM.
  4. I cannot find my Subcontractor in the InfoEd sponsor database. What do I do?
    Please submit a new subcontractor request using the New Subcontractor Request FORM.
  5. How do I add a new subcontractor PI to an existing subcontractor in InfoEd. 
    Please submit a new subcontractor PI addition request using the Request to add a New Subcontractor PI name for an existing Subcontractor FORM. 
  6. I have a student who will be a key personnel on a proposal. How do i add the student to the InfoEd system? 
    Please submit a request to add the student to the InfoEd system using the form Request to add a student into InfoEd Form
  7. In addition to the training offered by Office of Sponsored Projects, how can I request for additional training on a specific topic for a small group?
    Additional training can be requested by completing this Training Request FORM
  8. How do I download my proposals from Cayuse. 
    Here are some instructions on how to download a copy of your proposal from Cayuse. Instructions to download a Proposal from Cayuse
  9. InfoEd is not uploading my PDF forms correctly. How can this be fixed? InfoEd does not accept fillable PDF forms.  PDFs should be flattened prior to upload (e.g., Select print, then print to PDF).
  10. A proposal I was working on was rejected and I did not receive an email.  Rejected proposals are returned to the PI and not the proposal “creator” therefore a delegate may need to be notified via email that a proposal they were working on was returned (Note: avenues to notify the delegates are still being explored by InfoED).
  11. I cannot check the “Complete” box on a InfoEd page.  If you are unable to check the “Complete” box someone else may have the page open. The person with the page open needs to click “Done.” Once they select “Done”, you will be able to check the “Complete” box.
  12. How do I print a full proposal in InfoEd? Go to Proposal Tracking > View > then select Attachments > and the Print All button. This will let you print all the documents including the package at one time.
  13. Can I complete the eTransmittal without a finalized budget? No, the transmittal form cannot be marked as complete until the budget has been finalized & completed (if the budget has not been finalized, the total amount reported in the transmittal form will be incorrect).
  14. How do I report a PI with a dual appointment on the eTransmittal? If PI has dual appointment, they should add secondary department to the etransmittal form.
  15. If a PI has a dual appointment, how will the approval routing work? If a PI has multiple departments, the PI needs to choose which department to route the proposal through. If they choose their non-primary department then OSP must manually change the routing chain.
  16. I received an error on my NIH proposal submission. Two common NIH proposal error messages are due to a) NIH limits file name lengths to 50 characters and b) you may receive a Commons validation error if “United States” is selected for the Country field of any Key Person. You will need to change the country to “U.S.A.”
  17. The F&A in my budget is not calculating correctly. If the Set Up page is not marked complete, the F&A may not calculate.
  18. I am receiving an error message on the SF-424 cover page and it will not allow you to complete it. It refers me to question 14.  Question 14 is on the personnel page and you will see a little yellow triangle that will let you know if you are missing an ERA commons user ID or a user address.
  19. What does “Flow Through Project” mean? Flow Through Project is the same as asking if URI is a subaward to another organization. If URI is the subrecipient for an award, the pass-through entity should be listed as the sponsor. In the set-up questions under “Is this a Flow Through Project?”, select “yes”. A new window will open and allow you to enter the “Originating Sponsor” or prime sponsor. If you have a opportunity for the prime, the RFP will be included in the Set-Up questions tab to help with the review process of the proposal.