Financial Conflict of Interest:

Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) training is required for Public Health Service (PHS) funded investigators (and investigators with awards from agencies that follow PHS regulations) prior to URI submission of the grant proposal and at least every four years thereafter.

Additionally, investigators must renew their training if (i) the URI FCOI Policy is substantively amended in a manner that affects the requirements of PHS funded Investigators or (ii) URI determines that the Investigator has not complied with this Policy or with a management plan related to his or her research.

FCOI training is offered on CITI. Training consists of three required modules and two optional modules. We highly recommend that investigators review the two optional modules as they contain key information on URI specific policies and procedures and Conflict of Commitment. To access the courses, first create a free account with CITI, affiliate with the University of Rhode Island as part of the account set-up, then select the course(s) you wish to complete. For more information on how to navigate the CITI website, please refer to the URI CITI Guidance.