
American Academy of Ophthalmology – AAO provides information and educational programs for ophthalmologists, ophthalmology residents, primary care physicians, allied health professionals and other health professionals in eye care. The web site contains sections for clinical education, on-line education, legislative issues, etc. Source: AAO

American Foundation for the Blind – From AFB’s home page you can access 5 sections: Information Center, a Directory of Services, Community, Bookstore, and Journals. The Information Center has a sublink that focuses on Aging and Vision Loss. There are also links to related organizations. Source: AFB

American Optometric Association – This site contains consumer and professional information, such as consumer guides, eye care tips, and clinical guidelines. Source: AOA

Lighthouse International –  Lighthouse offers educational programs and publications on issues related to impaired vision, as well as many other resources and services. Source: Lighthouse International.

MEDLINEplus Health Information: Vision Impairment and Blindness – This page contains links to fact sheets about blindness and low vision, coping strategies, information on specific conditions, eye diseases and simulations of low vision, anatomy & physiology of the eye, information on clinical trials, and more. Source: MEDLINEplus/National Library of Medicine.

National Eye Institute – One of the National Institutes of Health, NEI conducts and supports research on the prevention and treatment of eye diseases and other vision disorders. From NEI’s home page, you can access information on eye health, research funding, educational opportunities, clinical studies, etc. Photos, images and videos, such as eye disease simulatins, eye exams. and Public Service Announcements and print ads are also available. Source: NEI

US Department of Health and Human Services – Quick Guide to Health Literacy and Older Adults: Visual Impairment. User-friendly resource guide with helpful tips on enhancing readability/usability of materials intended for older adults with vision impairment. There are also links to resources/tips on communicating with older adults with hearing impairment and cognitive impairment.