Towards Ultrasensitive Stochastic Sensing of Lead Ions in Blood

INVESTIGATOR: Jiyeon Kim, University of Rhode Island MENTOR: Brett Lucht, University of Rhode Island SCIENTIFIC THEME: Environmental Health Sciences ABSTRACT: This project will develop a novel technology for ultrasensitive and rapid analysis of nanomolar lead ions (Pb2+) in the blood by stochastically detecting individual Pb2+-selective polymeric nanoemulsions (NEs) at a nanopipet electrode. Lead exposure is […]

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Mechanisms of actin-dependent regulation of nuclear pores in postmitotic neurons

INVESTIGATOR: Claudia Fallini, University of Rhode Island MENTOR: William Van Nostrand, University of Rhode Island SCIENTIFIC THEME: Neuroscience ABSTRACT: A detailed insight into the molecular defects leading to neuronal death in ALS/FTD is still missing, hindering the development of a cure. Defects in the nuclear pore complex (NPC) and nucleocytoplasmic transport (NCT) have been proposed to […]

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