Welcome to the Rhode Island INBRE Research Core Facilities
NIH Core Facilities for Biomedical Research
RI-INBRE maintains two data-driven core facilities, the Centralized Research Core Facility (CRCF) and the Molecular Informatics Core (MIC). The CRCF focused on data generation and acquisition, providing researchers access to cutting edge scientific instrumentation. The MIC is RI-INBRE’s data science core, focusing on services related to bioinformatics and biomedical data science. We also partner with the URI College of Pharmacy Proteomics Core Facility. Our goals for these cores is to provide opportunities for unified data acquisition and analysis pathways for biomedical research. Integration of MIC and CRCF services will best serve the needs of the RI-INBRE and broader research communities.

10X Genomics Instrument Workflow Training
The CRCF and MIC will offer introductory workflow training for our new 10X Genomics instruments on November 12. These trainings describe the workflows involved in single cell and/or spatial omics experiments and may be attended in-person or virtually. In-depth hands on training with the instruments will be provided at a later date (ideally all before […]