Metabolic effect of stress: Sirt 1’s role in brain homeostatic and hedonic nuclei

INVESTIGATOR: Anika Toorie, Rhode Island College THEME: Environmental Health Sciences MENTOR: Elena Oancea, Brown University ABSTRACT:  Adolescence is a critical period of development and stress incurred during this phase can affect immediate and long-term health. Glucocorticoids (GC), produced from activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is critical in the resolution of stress. GC also regulate […]

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The Toxicology of Microplastics Pollution on Rhode Island Coastal Food Webs

INVESTIGATOR: Koty Sharp, Roger Williams University MENTOR: David Rowley, University of Rhode Island THEME: Environmental Health Science ABSTRACT: Microplastics particles (<5 mm) are entering the oceans at 5-12 million metric tons annually. Microplastics are small enough to be eaten by filter-feeding organisms, including plankton that are consumed by commercially important fish and seafood species. Recent studies […]

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