RI-INBRE is pleased to have hosted the
Virtual North East Regional IDeA Conference
v-NERIC 2021
August 16 – 18
representing IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE),
Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE), & IDeA Clinical and Translational Research (CTR)
programs from Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, & Vermont.
The northeast regional IDeA programs build research capacity by strengthening their institution’s ability to support biomedical research, enhancing the competitiveness of investigators in securing research funding, and enabling clinical and translational research that addresses the needs of medically underserved communities. These northeast IDeA states have 31 COBRE, 5 INBRE, and 3 CTR programs with 86 associated research cores. We invite you to visit these program websites on the link below to explore the rich diversity of research projects and associated core resources supporting new ideas and new discoveries in the northeast!
IDeA Programs in the North East & Associated Research Cores
v-NERIC Planning Committee
- Bongsup Cho, PhD. RI-INBRE Program Director. University of Rhode Island (Chair)
- Edward Hawrot, PhD. Advance CTR Program Coordinator. Brown University (Co-Chair)
- Laura Arrighi, RI-INBRE Program Assistant. University of Rhode Island
- Laura Bellavia, RI-INBRE Business Manager. University of Rhode Island
- Christopher Hemme, PhD. RI-INBRE Director, Bioinformatics Core. University of Rhode Island
- Samantha Meenach, PhD. RI-INBRE Director, Training Core. University of Rhode Island
- Brett Pellock, PhD. RI-INBRE Program Coordinator. Providence College
- Pamela Swiatek, PhD, MBA. Advance CTR Strategic Planning Coordinator. Brown University
Please submit inquiries to riinbre@etal.uri.edu – Thank you.
NIH Virtual Workshop on Broadening Cloud Computing Usage in Biomedical Research
(mentioned by Dr. Jon Lorsch)
The Rhode Island IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence
is funded by NIGMS Grant# P20GM103430