Household Composition

This database contains information on all 39 cities and towns in Rhode Island, including life expectancy and other population health indicators, social and economic conditions, environmental characteristics, demographic information, crime, and other information. You can download the entire data set or filter the data for your own analysis.

There were 412,028 total households in Rhode Island as of 2017. Of those households, 22% spoke another language besides English at home. In the state, the average number of people per household size is 2.46. Most households have a computer (86.4%) and access to broadband internet (80.0%).


Largest percent of households that are headed by a married couple
Little Compton 69.1
Barrington 67.6
Richmond 66.4
Glocester 62.3
Smallest percent of households that are headed by a married couple
Providence 29.5
Central Falls
Newport 33.8
Pawtucket 36.7
Woonsocket 37.0


For this section, we examined household density, total number of people per household, and composition of households (female- headed, etc.) Life expectancy in Rhode Island was not significantly related to any of the household composition measures we looked at.

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