ABM in Labor Relations and Human Resources


This program allows students to complete their Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in approximately 5 years. Students accepted into the ABM program will be permitted to double count credits toward both degrees up to one-third of the total credits required for the M.S. degree. Credits will need to be approved by the Program Director and will include 3 credits of either LHR 500 or LHR 531 during the senior year. All credits counted toward the M.S. portion of the ABM, including 400-level courses, must be earned at URI. 

During the last semester of the program, students can sit for the SHRM certification exam. 

Graduate Courses

Suggested 400-level courses

This list is not exhaustive – students may propose any 400-level course with justification.


COM 402

Leadership and Motivation

(3 crs.) Examination of theory and research in the areas of leadership and motivation in organizational settings. Emphasis on application of theory in developing essential leadership skills within individuals and in creating effective motivational programs within organizations. (Lec. 3) Pre: MGT (BUS) 340, MGT (BUS) 341 or COM 251 and junior standing in a degree-granting college or permission of instructor.

COM 422

Communication and Conflict Intervention

(3 crs.) An examination of the role of communication theories in conflict intervention in interpersonal, group, and organizational settings. Emphasis on applying theories through simulations, role plays, case studies, and discussions. (Lec. 3) Pre: COM 221 or COM 251 and junior standing in a degree-granting college or permission of instructor.

COM 450

Organizational Communication Theory

(3 crs.) Surveys theory and practice of communication in organizations. Examines interface of organizational, management, and communication theories. Explores human interaction, flows and formats in organizations; stresses student analysis of organizational communication. (Lec. 3) Pre: junior standing in a degree-granting college or permission of instructor.

COM 461

Managing Cultural Differences in Organizations

(3 crs.) Exploring how to manage cultural differences in organizations and to adapt to culturally diverse organizations by applying the skills of intercultural sensitivity and intercultural competence. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: junior standing in a degree-granting college or permission of instructor. Not open to students who have credit for MGT (BUS) 448, MBA 579.


ECN 480

Seminar In Labor Studies

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ECN), LHR 480. Intensive studies examining various important topics in labor studies. Class discussion of assigned readings and student reports.(Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

Human Development and Family

HDF 412

Historical, Multi-Ethnic, and Alternative Leadership

(3 crs.) Examines issues of cultural anthropology, critical thinking, theories of inclusion, and crisis leadership. Capstone requirement for leadership minors. (Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor and HDF 190 or 290 and junior or senior standing. Not for graduate credit. (C3) (D1)

HDF 413

Advanced Facilitation and Consulting Skills

(3 crs.) Examines experiential education, organizational development, facilitation techniques, and ethical issues of peer leadership. Elective for leadership minors. (Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor and HDF 190 or HDF 290. Not for graduate credit.

HDF 416

Personal and Organizational Leadership

(3 crs.) Topics include leadership theory and style, experiential learning, peer mentoring, critical thinking, quality improvement, and organizational development. (Lec. 3) Elective for leadership minors. Pre: HDF 290 or 190 and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

HDF 450

Introduction to Counseling

(3 crs.) Introduces students in human sciences to interviewing and counseling skills in both professional and paraprofessional settings. Integrates theory, practice, and application by didactic and experiential learning. (Lec. 3) Pre: HDF 230 and junior standing in HDF; or graduate standing, or permission of instructor.


MGT 441

(BUS) Leadership Skills Development

(3 crs.) Introduces the students to the tasks, strategies, and skills of effective leadership. Special emphasis will be on developing vision, dealing with change, ethics, values, and diversity. (Lec. 3) Pre: MGT (BUS) 341 or 341H or permission of instructor.

MGT 443

(BUS) Organizational Design and Change

(3 crs.) Behavioral science applications to planning systematic organizational design, change and development using theory, concepts, technique, and cases for change agents and managers of change. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: MGT (BUS) 341 or 341H, or permission of instructor.

MGT 446

(BUS) Special Topics in Management

(3 crs.) Advanced study in topics of special interest to Management. This course will be conducted as a seminar for juniors and seniors. (Seminar) May be repeated once with different topic. Pre: MGT (BUS) 342 and senior standing or permission of instructor.

MGT 448

(BUS) International Dimensions of Business

(3 crs.) Introduction to complex, culturally diverse, digital business environments. Characteristics of successful 'transnational' corporations, along with international dimensions of business will be developed experientially. (Lec. 3) Not for M.B.A. credit.

MGT 450

(BUS) Small Business Management

(3 crs.) Application of theory and practice to the management and formation of the small business enterprise, use of current literature, cases and projects to enable students to understand and appreciate the operations of small businesses. (Lec. 3) Pre: senior standing in the College of Business, enrollment in COB Innovation and Entrepreneurship minor, enrollment in COE Entrepreneurship minor, or permission of instructor.

MGT 461

(BUS) Management Data Analysis and Communication

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MGT), LHR 461. Descriptive and predictive statistics for advanced Management students, with a focus on generating insights from data, effectively presenting results in a narrative, and taking evidence-based actions. Excel will be the primary software used. (Lec. 3) Pre: MGT (BUS) 342.

Political Science

PSC 431

International Relations

(4 crs.) Analysis of the various theories of international relations and study of the major factors influencing the politics of international conflict, trade, organizations, and other interactions between international actors. (Lec. 3, Project 3) Pre: PSC 212 or 310 or permission of instructor. (D1) (C2)


PSY 434

Psychological Testing

(3 crs.) Measurement procedures employed in the measurement of intelligence, aptitudes, abilities, attitudes, interests, and personality. Focus on psychometric principles associated with the various tests. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 200 or equivalent.


SOC 432

Work, Employment, and Society

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (SOC), LHR 432. Explores workplace and employment relations from a sociological perspective. Topics include work systems, worker alienation and organization, occupational identity, and the impacts of immigration, diversity, and globalization on the workplace. (Lec. 3) Pre: One 300 level SOC course, or permission of instructor.


STA 441

Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Learning

(4 crs.) Cross-list as (STA), DSP 441. Multivariate data organization and visualization, multinomial and multivariate normal distribution, tests of hypotheses on mean vectors, multivariate regression and classification, principal component analysis, clustering, cross-validation and bootstrapping. (Lec. 3., Lab. 1) Pre: MTH 215; and STA 409, or STA 411, or STA 412; or permission of instructor.

STA 490

Statistics in Practice

(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (STA), DSP 490. Practical experience in statistical consulting through various projects. Apply statistical methods to the challenges imposed by real data, and communicate findings effectively. (Lec. 2, Practicum 2) Pre: (STA 411 or 412) and STA 441, or permission of the instructor. Not for graduate credit.