On Wednesday, December 8, 2021, Laurel Schaider (CEC co-lead, Project 4) was invited to give a presentation to the Plymouth, MA, Board of Health, titled “PFAS: What are they and why are they a concern?” This presentation provided an overview of PFAS sources, exposures, and health effects, with a focus on Massachusetts drinking water supplies. The presentation also included key findings from STEEP’s study of PFAS in Cape Cod private wells and resources for residents, including tips cards developed by STEEP’s Research Translation Core. Public water supplies in Massachusetts are now required to test for PFAS after the state adopted a standard of 20 parts per trillion for the total of 6 PFAS compounds. PFAS have mostly not been detected in Plymouth public drinking water wells. Discussion topics after Dr. Schaider’s presentation included sites of PFAS groundwater contamination in Plymouth and addressing PFAS in wastewater treatment plant discharges.