URI Campus Tour for Cape Cod Youth

In late May, STEEP Community Engagement Core (CEC) hosted a University of Rhode Island (URI) campus visit for Cape Cod middle and high school students, to encourage Cape Cod youth to continue their learning journey into higher education and to consider studying STEM. Activities included a campus tour, an exploration of the School of Pharmacy’s medicinal garden, visiting the School of Pharmacy and talking with current students, trying virtual reality molecular informatics modules, a behind the scenes tour of the Endeavor research vessel, and visiting the GSO aquarium.

This day-long event was coordinated by STEEP CEC team member and Silent Spring Institute research assistant René LaPointe Jameson. PhD student and Silent Spring Institute intern Andresa Lima, STEEP trainees and PhD students Justin Sankey, Taylor Elpers, and Olga Skende, and URI Professors Angela Slitt and Jitka Becanova helped during the day to make this event a success. Many thanks as well to Elizabeth Leibovitz, Dr. Chris Hemme, the Endeavor vessel crew, current student and tour guide Harper, the URI Admissions team especially Beth Tikoian, URI Catering, and the entire STEEP CEC team. We look forward to organizing more campus visits as this one was very impactful to students, educators, and organizers alike.