What does it mean to be a first-generation student?A first-generation student is defined as someone whose parent or legal guardian has not completed a four-year college degree. A student is still considered first-generation even if they had a parent complete some college or a sibling earn a bachelor's degree, for example. The University of Rhode Island's first-generation student population includes thousands of Rhody Rams that are proud to be the first in their families to attend or graduate from college. URI is committed to supporting these trail-blazing students from enrollment to graduation and beyond.

A Rhody F1rst
Julia Al-Amir
Major: Arabic Studies, Human Development & Family Science
Minor: Leadership Studies
Hometown: Pawtucket, RI
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Advice to First-Year Students
“All it takes is someone to believe in you —make that person you. Try new things, take care of yourself, and have fun!”

Finish Strong
Setting goals is the first step in turning what may seem impossible into a reality. Many URI faculty and staff are advocates or were also first-generation students themselves, and are here to help you navigate the many resources that will assist you on your journey to success. In fact, the Division of Student Affairs is providing faculty and staff with Rhody First cards to make it easier for students to connect with faculty and staff who are also proud of being First Gen!

First-Generation Student Success
Congratulations, you’re a Rhody F1rst! Welcome to your new community. URI is dedicated in supporting you to graduation and beyond. In addition to making sure you feel comfortable and heard, we’ve also built a collaborative network of first-generation students. From financial aid workshops to career planning, we recognize and understand your potential and want to provide what you need to be successful.
We’re proud to have you join us as a Rhody F1rst, you’re an integral part of URI’s vibrant campus community. Below are a few of the campus-wide resources available to you as a Rhode Island Ram. If you have questions about Rhody First or if are interested in becoming a mentor or advocate, please feel free to reach out
to urivicepresidentforstudentaffairs@etal.uri.edu