Disability Resource Mentors

Fall 2024 DRM Drop-In Hours!

Please join us in Memorial Union Room 354 on Mondays 4-6 pm and Fridays 12-2 pm.

  • Check in with a friendly face
  • Get help sending your DAI Accommodation Letters
  • Make a plan for your week
  • Set up time for a 1 to 1 meeting with a member of the DRM Team

2024/2025 Disability Resource Mentors

Disability Resource Mentor

Disability Resource Mentor

Disability Resource Mentor

Disability Resource Mentor

Disability Resource Mentor

Disability Resource Mentor

Disability Resource Mentors serve to support and encourage student success.

Through one-on-one and group meetings, Resource Mentors serve as a knowledgeable guide for DAI students, a thoughtful facilitator who provides access to people, and resources and ultimately a role model and advocate.

Disability Resource Mentors:

  • Serve as an enthusiastic and culturally aware role model for their mentee
  • Encourage a strengths-based mindset of their disability diagnosis
  • Clarify the stigma that can be associated with a disability diagnosis and work to dismantle any self-stigma
  • Help students develop a sense of belonging and bridge the URI and the DAI community by developing and maintaining relationships with mentee , and by facilitating participation in campus events
  • Have familiarity with campus resources and the ability to help students identify appropriate support services as needed
  • Understand the systemic complexities at URI and will demonstrate to mentee how to access places, spaces and people