
The University of Rhode Island (URI) is deeply committed to the ethical treatment of animals in research.  The use of animals is essential to the teaching, outreach, and research missions of URI. Significant benefits to the health and welfare of both animals and humans have resulted from animal use in research, and continued use is crucial to future advancements. Without the use of animals, adequate instruction of students in many programs such as agriculture, biological sciences, and veterinary science would be impossible.

The URI Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for overseeing the provisions for the care and well-being of animals used for research and educational purposes at the University and serves the public by ensuring compliance with all legal and ethical standards regarding the use of vertebrate animals in research and teaching at URI. The Comparative Biology Resources Center (CBRC) provides technical support, training, veterinary services and assistance to faculty, staff, and students.


  • Reviews all research and teaching involving vertebrate animals.
  • Conducts semiannual reviews of the URI’s animal care and use program and facilities.
  • Reviews and addresses concerns involving animals in research, testing, and instruction.

Any research and teaching involving vertebrate animals that are sponsored by URI, conducted by or under the direction of any URI faculty, staff, or student in connection with his or her individual URI responsibilities or involving the use of any URI property or facility, or involving any collaboration with individuals or institutions working with URI, must be approved in advance by the URI IACUC.

URI operates under USDA Registration # 15-R-0004 and PHS Federal wide Assurance # A3690-01, approved from April 6, 2011 until expiration on December 31, 2026.