Why does 4-H have animal projects?
Our animal science projects are meant to teach science to youth in an inviting hands on way! 4-Hers learn biology, physiology, nutrition, husbandry, agribusiness, entrepreneurship, record-keeping, communications and responsibility. Summer fairs and other opportunities are available for youth to show what they have learned, gain recognition for their work and have fun with friends. Rhode Island 4-Hers can participate in four local fairs and also in the Big E. Youth do not necessarily have to own their own animals. Many of our 4-Hers manage (borrow) and animal from a local farmer, a neighbor or a family member and work on training that animal. If you are interested in showing animal go to our Summer Fairs pages to make sure you make all deadlines and requirements. Below you will find information on specific species.

Level UP! Veterinary Science Program
- This program is designed for youth to work at their own pace completing activities to Level Up and show their Veterinary science knowledge. Check out the flyer to see how to participate. Then click on the quiz for each level to record what you did.
- Flyer and details on Level Up!
- Tracking sheet & Quiz Level Up Links

- Ohio State Learning Lab and Ohio state Beef Resource handbook.
- Beef Showmanship Guide from University of California Monterey
- Getting a Beef Calf ready for Show from UNL Extension
- Livestock Practice Quiz

The 4-H goat program has many resourcs to get you started and continue your learning. Click Here to see all the resources.

The URI 4-H Horse Program engages youth in equine science and horsemanship. No experience necessary!
In addition to our state shows, we offer hippology and judging events, clinics, non-riding volunteer opportunities, and fun club activities. Check out the following ways you can get involved:
Rabbits and Cavies

- National Avian Bowl Manual
- Backyard Chicken Series: Chicken Wellness & Tips for Poultry Showmanship
- UCONN Poultry Showmanship Guide
- Avian Influenza Fact Sheet: Wildlife Biosecurity
- Backyard Biosecurity
- The Virtual Chicken
- Poultry Novice Knowledge Study Guide
- Chicken Body Parts and Comb Styles
- Lesson Activity : Basic Needs of a Small Flock of Chickens
- Poultry Resource List
- Principles of Feeding Small Flocks of Chickens at Home, Utah Ag
- Small Scale Poultry Housing, Virginia CE

- Ohio State Manual
- Small Ruminant Production, Medicine and Management Book

Working Steer
- Ohio State Beef Resource Handbook
- Big E Agriculture Working Steer Packet