Success Stories

  • ‘Democracy in Peril’ is URI’s Fall 2024 Honors Colloquium topic - Fall 2024 Honors Colloquium examining ‘Democracy in Peril’ to launch Sept. 17
  • URI Inclusion Workshops - The Department of Writing & Rhetoric hosted an inclusion workshop for their faculty and staff. The workshop is designed to assist faculty in creating more inclusive and equitable learning environments.
  • Mitigating sensitive explosives - As part of a fellowship, Thomas Lenehan '20 studied the sensitivities of energetic peroxides, exploring how to contain and safely dispose of energetic materials.
  • 3,000 Years of History Revisited - Cameron Garvey '20 researched the history of URI's campus prior to the establishment of the University, informing Walking Through Time: The 3000-Year History of the URI Campus.
  • Letters as Art - The 2nd annual Arabic Calligraphy and Letter Art Contest invited students to submit calligraphy, photography, paintings, drawings, and other creative works highlighting the beauty of Arabic writing.
  • Heads or Tails? - Dogs wag their tails. Does that behavior separate them from wolves? Kate Fish spent her summer at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City gathering data to test her theory that it might.
  • Economics and Gender - Through a summer fellowship, Economics major Paige Carmichael explored how variables in economics research can be influenced by gender norms, even though they are typically considered to be neutral.
  • Moment of Inertia: Ryan Vallee on How He Discovered His Love for Physics - With the support of funding from the College of Arts and Sciences' Impact Fund and a university in Japan, Ryan Vallee, a Physics and Chemistry double major, was able to put his passion for physics into action with a summer internship at the Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research lab at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan.