Citizen Science

Wondering how you can help us? If you know you have Lily Leaf Beetle, URI would like to track the parasitism of the beetle by collecting the large larvae (Fig. 3) covered with excrement (brown blobs) that you find on your lilies. They will dissect the larvae to look for the parasitic insects. If you have larvae in your yard, and wouldn’t mind sending them to URI please use the following instructions to send them to Lisa Tewksbury at the URI Department of Plant Sciences or contact her for more information.

Mailing instructions: Please put about 10-20 of the largest larvae you can find (preferably fourth instars: Fig. 3), and some lily leaves into a rigid container with a lid. Please do not add any water; the lily leaves will provide some moisture. Two suggestions for good sturdy containers are cottage cheese or yogurt containers. Label the lid with your name, complete address, and the date that you collected the larvae. Please, tape container closed so that the larvae don’t escape! Include your email address and we will send you the results.

Fig. 1. Lily leaf beetle adult

Lisa Tewksbury,
Dept. of Plant Sciences,
9 E. Alumni Ave. Room 210C Woodward Hall,
University of Rhode Island,
Kingston, RI 02881
Phone: (401) 874-2750