Ph.D. – Supply Chain Management Specialization


Milestones in Brief

Year 1

Fall Spring Summer
PSY 532: Experimental Design (Uni-variate Statistics )  (3 credits) PSY 533 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Psychology (Multivariate Statistics) (3 credits) Qualifier
SCA 609-002: Analytical Modeling in SCM
(3 credits)
  1st year paper due
SCA 609-001: SCM Topics and Methods
(3 credits)
SCA 609-003: SC Information Systems (3 credits)

SCA 609-004: Empirical Research in SCM (3 credits)

BUS 601: Practicum in Business Teaching (1 credit) BUS 602:  Doctoral Colloquium in Business Research (1 credit)
Total: 10 credits Total: 10 credits  


Year 2

Fall Winter Spring
  Comprehensive exam
Research Methodology / Elective
Research Methodology / Elective 2nd year paper due  
Research Methodology / Elective  
ECN 576 : Econometrics (4 credits)
(cross listed as EEC, STA 576 )
Total: 10 credits   Total: 9 credits

Suggested Electives:

  • MTH 550 Probability and Stochastic Processes
  • PSY 612 Structural Modeling
  • CSC 525 Simulation
  • STA 502 Applied Regression Analysis
  • REN 570 Experimental Economics
  • REN 529 Game Theory
  • REN 528 Microeconomic Theory
  • REN 676 Advanced Econometrics
  • PSY 690 Mediation Modeling
  • ELS 512/612 Oral Communication skills for international teaching assistants (international students only)
  • DBA610-0250: Philosophy of Applied Business Research and Theory Building (3 credits – informal audit in Fall semester only)
  • BAI seminar by our new hire endowed chair for BAI (Dr. Goto to advise the title of the course)

Monitoring Progress

Monitoring student progress and detecting students who are unlikely to write a dissertation (either not motivated or not qualified) as early as possible is very important to minimize waste of both faculty and student time. Therefore, we recommend the 2 following milestones, one being only given to students with low GPAs in their major seminars:

  1. Qualifier exam (in early June of the 1st year): Students who have a GPA below 3.50 in their first year’s SCM seminars will be required to take this exam.
    • The examination will be conducted by a committee of three or more members of the SCM faculty.
    • Those required to take the qualifier will be informed by the SCM doctoral program coordinator no later than May 15 and will be given a minimum of 3 weeks time to prepare.
    • Students who fail the qualifier will not receive graduate assistantships in the remaining years of their doctoral studies.
  2. First and second year field papers.First year study/paper proposal to be presented at either DSI during end of the first semester or NEDSI in the middle of the second semester to receive early feedback. Then the fully finished manuscript of the first year study/paper will be submitted to Informs or DSI for publication in their proceedings and the study to be presented at the conference for final feedback. Second year study/paper proposal to be developed during their comprehensive exam over Year 2 Winter and then presented at the Annual Logistics Doctoral Symposium. Both first and second year studies/papers will be deemed “complete” if accepted by a proper conference or student’s mentor/advisor/dissertation core committee.
  3. Comprehensive exam (after completing major seminars in SCM): The comprehensive exam will include questions from all 4 major SCM seminars (SCA 609: Sections 001-004) and other doctoral faculty. It will have both a written and an oral component. Taking the exam early, students will have ample time to work on their dissertation. COB’s comprehensive exam guidelines will apply.
    • CBAs comprehensive exam guidelines will apply.
  4. Dissertation proposal (before the end of the 6th semester)
  5. Dissertation defense (in the spring/summer of the 4th year)