Supply Chain Management Club


The Supply Chain Management Club creates a community among students who are interested in the evolving dynamics of supply chain within the business world. Each semester we find new opportunities to get out of the classroom and immerse ourselves in:

  • Networking Events – to start conversations with dozens of Supply Chain professionals
  • Company Presentations – to hear from real companies and the challenges they face every day
  • Alumni Panels – to understand different experiences that recent graduates have had during their transition to the workforce
  • Field Trips – to experience the business environment first-hand and be able to ask questions on the spot
  • Job & Internship Opportunities – are continuously shared amongst the club with connections from professionals looking for URI graduates.

We encourage any student who is interested in the various career paths of supply chain to join: planning, forecasting, category management, transportation, logistics, warehousing, operations, network design, process improvement, production, purchasing, marketing, customer relations, supplier relations, omni-channel fulfillment, big data, etc. Learn more about the club with these helpful links

Student contact: Meghan Appel
Faculty Advisor: Tess Booth
Club email: