Course Descriptions
Business: Explore and Innovate
(1 cr.) Introductory seminar for incoming College of Business students. Introduces practical skills needed to succeed in the College of Business and in careers; illustrates the importance of business innovation, entrepreneurial thinking, connections, and team skills; and explores majors, minors, and potential career paths in fields of interest. (Seminar/Online) Pre: For Business majors only. May not be repeated for credit. May be taken as an alternative to URI101. Not open to students who completed URI101 for credit.
Career and Internship Exploration
(1 cr.) Students explore career and internship opportunities that relate to their abilities, interests, values, and anticipated business majors. The course is designed to inform students about internship planning and can accommodate students who may be undecided about their career aspirations. (Lec. 1) Pre: For current and prospective business students with at least 15 credits earned. Not open to juniors or seniors.
Introduction to Finance and Budgeting
(3 crs.) Introduction to language, purposes, uses of finance and budgeting. Includes procedures for generating, analyzing, interpreting issues related to finance and budgeting practices, and analysis for professional workplaces. (Lec. 3/Online)
Professional Business Internship I
(0-3 crs.) This 0-3 credit course offers students the opportunity to gain “real-world” exposure and supervised experience related to their major, specific field of study or career interests. (Internship) Pre: Prospective Business students with at least one semester completed, and a minimum GPA of 2.0. S/U Credit.
(BAI) Business Internship/Field Experience
(0 cr.) Undergraduate Business majors completing approved Off Campus Experience. Fall, Spring, Summer, or Winter Semester. Registration is by permission number only. (Practicum) Pre: BUS major and instructor consent. S/U only.
(3 crs.) The course introduces basic principles and theories of leadership, explores the concepts of emotional intelligence, communication, motivation, accountability, interprofessional team building and leadership development. (Lec. 3/Online/Accelerated Online Program) Pre: graduate students only.
Operations and Project Management
(3 crs.) The course is devoted to the factors that impact the design, improvement, and management of operations and project management. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Open to graduate students only.
Law and Ethics
(3 crs.) The course introduces basic legal and ethical principles that are relevant in industry. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Open to graduate students only.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practicum
(3 crs.) Applies business concepts in an experiential setting. (Accelerated Online Program/Practicum) Pre: open to graduate students only
Practicum In Business Teaching
(1 cr.) Course involves training and experience in teaching undergraduate business courses under the supervision of a full-time faculty member. Participation in the instructional development program is an essential component of the class. (Practicum) Pre: enrollment in Ph.D. program in business administration and permission of Ph.D. program director. S/U only. May be repeated.
Doctoral Colloquium in Business Research
(1 cr.) Course involves presenting the results of at least one piece of original research to faculty and other Ph.D. candidates. When not presenting, students are expected to play an active role in critiquing the presented research. (Lec. 1) Pre: permission of Ph.D. program director. S/U only. May be repeated.
Special Problems in Business Research
(1-6 crs.) Advanced research and writing of theoretical and empirical papers in business administration in the student's area of specialization under the supervision of a faculty advisor. All doctoral students in Phase II of the doctoral program in business administration who have completed their course work must register for this course. Pre: permission of Ph.D. Program Director. S/U only. May be repeated.