Master of Business Administration

Our Competitive Advantage: Small Class Size

In both the One-Year and Evening M.B.A. programs, core courses are capped at 35 and most electives are significantly smaller since students are spread across a variety of offerings.

The benefits of smaller class sizes:

  • One-on-one interactions with faculty
    • Faculty want to get to know you, and learn your professional interests and career goals so they can customize some content to the class. You will always be able to meet with faculty outside of class about career, company, or interview questions.
  • Strong community
    • Forming lasting connections with other students to foster better networking opportunities and teamwork experience.
  • Dynamic classroom environment
    • Highly participatory interactions with fellow students, where your opinion can always be expressed.
I have made life-long friends and networking was made easy. I still keep in contact with many people from my classes and enjoyed getting to know more people outside of my organization and bubble.
Danielle Leonardo, Evening MBA Graduate