Interdisciplinary Neuroscience

As the University of Rhode Island increases it presence in the area of Neuroscience, The College of Health Sciences (CHS) is emerging as a leader in collaborative neuroscience activity. With numerous faculty, students, and projects focused on the brain and its related functions, Health Sciences is a great place to look for advancing studies, research, and or collaboration in Neuroscience.

The CHS faculty listed below are actively involved in various Neuroscience projects. For more information on CHS’s neuroscience activities, please email or any of the faculty listed below.

Professor, Director Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program

Department of Psychology; School Psychology, Clinical Psychology

Associate Professor

Physical Therapy Department

Assistant Professor

Communicative Disorders

Associate Professor

Human Development and Family Studies

Assistant Professor

Physical Therapy Department

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Communicative Disorders

Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator

Nutrition and Food Sciences

Professor of Psychology and Ryan Research Professor of Neuroscience

Department of Psychology

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology; Behavioral Science