Event Sponsorship Classifications

The University of Rhode Island hosts a significant number of internal and external meetings, events, camps and conferences on campus. Internal and external events are handled differently in terms of planning and billing. To help in this determination, the University uses the definitions below to classify internal or external events and when contracts and insurance are required and rental fees and discounts apply. Due to the unique pricing structure afforded to internal University groups, the following guidelines must be adhered to when reserving space on campus.

Internal Event (planned outside of Conference Services) 
Defined as a URI initiative developed and solely funded through URI for the benefit of the URI community. Internal events are primarily for URI faculty, staff and students. Internal events are not charged facility fees and are coordinated outside of the Conference Services office either directly by the sponsoring department or with the guidance of University Events. 

External Events (booked through Conference Services, fees apply):

The majority of attendees are external to the URI community of enrolled students and staff/faculty. External events may be booked by an external organization or an internal representative and all campus resources are booked through URI Conference Services based on the classifications below. Fees apply for facility use, services and labor and a contract and certificate of insurance or internal agreement and advanced deposit are required for booking.


URI-Affiliate /Sponsored External Event (50% discount in facility fees)
Defined as an initiative developed by URI with involvement of external partnerships and/or funding sources. These events are not primarily for the University community and are open to non-university attendees. A URI representative serves as the primary planner for all event-related details and will be present at the event. This URI representative signs the Conference Services agreement and will be billed internally for all resources utilized through internal payment processes. A 50% discount in the standard facility rental rate** is extended and the Conference Services Administrative Fee applies to the total bill.

External Non-Sponsored Event (standard facility fees):
Defined as an initiative of a private company, non-profit or individual. These events are not intended for the university community although may include some university participation. These events are paid for with non-university funds and are charged the standard facility rental rate*. All external events and conferences are charged the Conference Services Administrative Fee.

*Special considerations for external events:
Not-for-profit 501c3 RI organizations and RI State Government Agencies with approved affiliation to URI may be eligible to receive a discount to the standard facility fees of 25%** depending on the date and volume of booking.


Conference Services Administrative Fee
A Conference Services administrative fee for coordination and billing applies to the total invoice for all external bookings.  The fee ranges from 10-25% depending on program status and affiliation.

  • Standard Fee – 25%
  • Nonprofit (certificate required), including RI State Departments – 15%
  • URI-Affiliate / Sponsored (with internal payment) – 10%

Standard Academic Facility Rental Rates
Edwards Auditorium (900 capacity) – $2,000 / day
Auditoriums (300+ capacity) – $1,500 / day
Auditorium-Classrooms (151-299 capacity) – $1,000 / day

Classrooms (65-150 capacity) – $500 / day
Classrooms (less than 65 capacity) $250 / day
Atriums / Foyer common areas – available upon request
Rates for 2024. Subject to change.

Rates for Athletic facilities, Recreational facilities and fields, Quadrangle, Memorial Union, Welcome Center, Multicultural Center, Fine Arts Center, parking lots and Narraganset Bay Campus are available upon request. **Discounts do not apply to services such as dining, catering, housing or labor.

This policy does not apply to the facility rate at the Ryan CenterBrad Boss Ice Arena, and Feinstein Providence Campus