URI Cooperative Extension
Kathleen M. Mallon Outreach Center
3 East Alumni Avenue
Kingston, RI 02881
p: 401-874-2900
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First Name | Last Name | Title | Program | Department | Phone | |
Aimee | Mandeville | Research Associate | Environmental Data Center | NRS | 401.874.2930 | aimee@edc.uri.edu |
Alissa | Cox | Clinical Assistant Professor | Onsite Wastewater Training | NRS | 401-874-5707 | alibba@uri.edu |
Alyson | McCann | Program Coordinator | Home*A*Syst | NRS | 401.874.5398 | amccann@uri.edu |
Amanda | Missimer | Clinical Assistant Professor | Nutrition | NFS | 401.874.4911 | amanda_missimer@uri.edu |
Brian | Maynard | Professor | Sustainable Horticulture | PSE | 401.874.5372 | weloveplants@uri.edu |
Bridget | Ruemmele | Professor | Turfgrass | PSE | 401.874.7874 | turflady@uri.edu |
Camilo | Villouta | Assistant Professor | Controlled Environment Agriculture | Plant Sciences and Entomology | 401-874-4538 | camilo.villouta@uri.edu |
Charles | Labash | Research Associate | Environmental Data Center | NRS | 401.874.2198 | labashc@uri.edu |
Christina | DiCenzo | Program Coordinator | 4-H Youth Development | FAVS | 401.874.9412 | cdicenzo@uri.edu |
Christopher | Reily | Forestry Specialist | NRS | 401.822.8871 | criely@uri.edu | |
David | Weisberger | Research Associate | Dept. of Plant Sciences and Entomology | PSE | david.weisberger@uri.edu | |
Elizabeth | Herron | Program Coordinator | Watershed Watch | NRS | 401.874.4552 | eherron@uri.edu |
Greg | Bonynge | Research Associate | Geospatial Extension | NRS | 401.874.2180 | greg@edc.uri.edu |
John | Taylor | Assistant Professor | Urban Agriculture | PSE | jr_taylor@uri.edu | |
Joy | Robinson | EFNEP Community Nutrition Assistant | NFS | spiritual@uri.edu | ||
Justine | Deming | FAVS | justine_deming@uri.edu | |||
Kate | Balestracci | Program Manager | SNAP-Ed, CYFAR | NFS | 401.277.5234 | katebr@uri.edu |
Kate | Venturini Hardesty | Program Administrator, Educator | Energy Literacy Initiative, Master Gardener, Home Horticulture Certificate | Mallon Ctr | 401.874.4096 | kate@uri.edu |
Katherine | Petersson | Associate Professor | Small Ruminant Parasite Control | FAVS | 401.874.2951 | kpetersson@uri.edu |
Keiddy | Urrea-Morwicki | URI Plant Protection Clinic | PSE | kurrea-morawick@uri.edu | ||
Kristina | Horan | Program Leader | 4-H Youth Development | FAVS | 401.874.2959 | kstone@uri.edu |
Laura | Skrobe | Research Associate | Fisheries Center | FAVS | 401.874.9360 | lskrobe@uri.edu |
Lisa | DeProspo Philo | Research Associate | Noinpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) | NRS | 401.874.5687 | lphilo@uri.edu |
Lisa | Hollister | Research Associate | Onsite Wastewater Training | NRS | 401.874.5950 | neowtp@etal.uri.edu |
Lisa | Tewksbury | Research Associate | Biological Control Lab | PSE | 401.874.2750 | lisat@uri.edu |
Lisa | Townson | Associate Dean | Extension and Agricultural Programs | CELS | 401.874.2240 | ltownson@uri.edu |
Lorraine | Joubert | Program Coordinator | Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) | NRS | 401.874.2138 | ljoubert@uri.edu |
Marta | Gomez-Chiarri | Professor | Finfish and Shellfish Aquaculture | FAVS (Chair) | 401.874.2917 | gomezchi@uri.edu |
Maruth | Emilcar | EFNEP Community Nutrition Assistant | NFS | maruth@uri.edu | ||
Michael | Rice | Professor | Shellfish Aquaculture | FAVS | 401.874.2943 | mrice@uri.edu |
Mitch | Hatzipetro | Research Associate I | Aquaculture/Fisheries | Aquaculture/Fisheries | 401.874.7852 | mitch_hatzi@uri.edu |
Nathaniel | Mitkowski | Professor | Turfgrass | PSE (Chair) | 401.874.5996 | mitkowski@uri.edu |
Nicole | Richard | Research Associate | Food Safety | NRS | 401.874.2977 | nicolerichard@uri.edu |
Rebecca | Brown | Professor | Sustainable Vegetable Production | NRS | 401.874.2755 | brownreb@uri.edu |
Ruthann | Marchetti | Manager | EFNEP | FNS | 401.277.5272 | ruthann.marchetti@uri.edu |
Sarah | Amin | Assistant Professor, Program Director | SNAP-Ed, EFNEP | NFS | 401.874.4024 | sarah_amin@uri.edu |
Sejal | Lanterman | Educator | Produce Safety, Gardening & Environmental Hotline | Mallon Ctr | 401.874.4453 | sejal@uri.edu |
Sophia | Paglierani | EFNEP Community Nutrition Assistant | Nutrition and Food Sciences | NFS | 401.277.5285 | spaglierani@uri.edu |
Steven | Alm | Professor | Pesticide Safety | PSE | 401.874.5998 | stevealm@uri.edu |
Thomas | Mather | Professor | TickEncounter Resource Center | PSE | 401.874.5616 | tmather@uri.edu |
Tolani | Olagundoye | Clinical Assistant Professor | 4-H Youth Development | FAVS | tolagundoye@uri.edu | |
Vanessa | Venturini | Program Leader | Master Gardener, Food Recovery for RI | Mallon Ctr | 401.874.7142 | vanessa@uri.edu |