CyberCorps Scholarship for Graduate Students

Typically graduate student candidates apply for the CyberCorps scholarship in the Spring prior to matriculating to URI’s Professional Science Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity (PSM) the following Fall semester.

The minimal qualifications for applicants are:

  • A degree in Computer Science or closely related field with at least a 3.0/4.0 GPA.
  • Submitted application to URI’s PSM program. Acceptance to the PSM program is not required at the time of applying for the CyberCorp Scholarship, but the application to the PSM must be completed in URI’s graduate degree application system prior to applying for the CyberCorp scholarship.
  • A citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States

Applications will be reviewed, and scholarship recipients selected, by a Committee of faculty and staff in the URI CS Department. The deadline to apply for a CyberCorp Scholarship each year is spring of each year.

The CyberCorp Scholar Course Schedule

 A CyberCorp graduate student scholar typically follows this course schedule (details on courses are available here).

Graduate Year 1 Fall
Graduate Year 1 Spring
Summer Between Graduate Years Graduate Year 2 Fall Graduate Year 2 Spring
CSC 432
CSF 430
CSF 591
CSF 580
CSF 534
CSF 591
CyberCorps Internship CSF 410
CSF 536
CSF 560
CSF 591
CSF 524
CSF 590
CSF 591

Students will do the experiential part of their internship in the summer between graduate years, and take the academic portion of it in CSF590 in Year 2.

Each semester, CyberCorp scholars will take a one credit CSF 591 Project In Cybersecurity, which is a project-based course that is designed specifically for CyberCorp scholars to survey the landscape of government cybersecurity jobs and provide support for students’ upcoming job search process. This is an in-person course where students are expected to be on URI’s campus.

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