Master of Science in Computer Science


Program requirements: The M.S. curriculum in computer science has two tracks: thesis and non thesis.

Program requirements for thesis option

4 courses from a list of CSC courses the department maintains; 4 other courses chosen with approval of the major professor; eight credits of thesis.

Program requirements for non-thesis option

6 courses from a list of CSC courses the department maintains; 4 other courses chosen with approval of the advisor; at least one of the ten courses listed above should include writing a substantial paper based on significant independent research. All non-thesis students have to pass a comprehensive exam.

A program of study can include at most 3 courses at the 400-level. Students who have undergraduate credits for a particular 400-level course (or equivalent) cannot repeat the course for graduate credit.

Please refer to the MS thesis or MS non-thesis guidance documents to make sure you are making timely progress with your program. If you don’t know where to find these documents, please ask your advisor/major professor.

CS approved list of courses

CSC 541, Advanced Topics in Algorithms
CSC 542, Mathematical Analysis of Algorithms
CSC 544, Theory of Computation
CSC 550, Computer Algebra
CSC 501, Programming Language Semantics
CSC 546, Algorithms for Big Data

CSC 412, Operating Systems and Networks
CSC 415, Introduction to Parallel Computing
CSC 512, Topics in Distributed Systems
CSC 411/511, Computer Organization
CSC 417/519, Computer Networks
CSC 592-DIS, Designing Interactive Systems

CSC 402/502, Programming Language Implementation
CSC 461, Machine Learning
CSC 406, Computer Graphics
CSC 536, Database Management Systems
CSC 522, Bioinformatics
CSC 481, Artificial Intelligence
CSC 592-DL/561, Neural Networks and Deep Learning
CSC 592-BigData, Algorithms for Big Data
CSC 592-HCI, Human-Computer Interaction Research Seminar
CSC 592-MLSoc, Machine Learning for Science and Society

Note: CSC 592 Special topics not listed above need to be approved for the appropriate area by petitioning the director of graduate studies.

Previous Curriculum
If you were admitted to the MS program in Fall 2018 or earlier you can choose between the previous curriculum and the current one. If you were admitted to the program in Spring 2019 or later you must follow the current curriculum.