Minor in Data Science

This minor is intended to provide students with preliminary data collection, manipulation, access and/or analysis skills as are appropriate to data needs in their majors. (22-23 credits)

The following courses are required:

  • 3 credits – LTI/DSP 110
  • 3-4 credits – STA 409 or STA 307 or STA 308 or BAI 210
  • 3 credits – MTH 215
  • 4 credits – CSC 201 or CSC 211
  • 3-4 credits – CSC/DSP 310 or DSP/BIO 439
  • 3-4 credits – CSC 320 or AMS/DSP 393G

Optional: In addition each student is encouraged to take one class that is integrative and that is focused in applying data science principles/skills to a data intensive domain area. For example, CSC 499, STA 490, etc.