Student Rights and Responsibilities and Appeal Procedure
URI Values nondiscrimination and equal opportunity. Please consult the student rights and responsibilities and the appeal procedures for students.
Student Rights:
- Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity
- Respectful treatment by all university personnel .
- Equal access to programs services, activities and facilities provided by the University.
- Reasonable and appropriate accommodations according to the individual’s disability (i.e. academic adjustment or auxiliary aids, determined on a case-by-case basis using required documentation)
- Appropriate and reasonable confidentiality of information related to student’s disability
Student Responsibilities
- Disclose the disability and provide current documentation from an appropriate provider to URI Disability, Access, and Inclusion.
- Complete the Accommodation Request Form each semester by meeting with advisors in the Disability, Access, and Inclusion.
- Discuss the Accommodation Letter with each faculty member in advance of the needed accommodation.
- Make best effort to demonstrate mastery of course material.
- Meet all program requirements for graduation.
- Treat all university personal respectfully.
Appeals for Academic Accommodations (Such as But Not Limited to Exams, Courses, Degree Programs, Degree Requirements)
- A University member or a student may request a review of an accommodation decision.
- The request for review is to be submitted to the Director, Disability, Access, and Inclusion/ Office of Student Life.
- The Director will attempt to facilitate a mutually acceptable accommodation agreement by discussion with the student, the professor, department chair, and the Dean of the respective college as needed.
- If no acceptable agreement can be reached, the request for reconsideration will be forwarded to the Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs.
- The Vice Provost will review the information received, request additional information if necessary, and make a final decision. The Vice Provost will transmit a decision to the student, the University member and the Director, Disability, Access, and Inclusion.
Appeals for Non-Academic Accommodations (Such as But Not Limited to Housing & Residential Life, Dining Services, Campus Life, Transportation, Parking, Etc.)
- A University member or a student may request a review of an accommodation decision.
- The request for review is to be submitted to the Director, Disability, Access, and Inclusion/ Office of Student Life.
- The Director will attempt to facilitate a mutually acceptable accommodation agreement by discussion with the student, the department staff or department director related to the accommodation (for example: requests for certain living or dining arrangements transportation, etc.).
- If no acceptable agreement can be reached, the request for reconsideration will be forwarded to the appropriate Assistant Vice President for resolution (i.e. Dean of Students/AVP for Student Affairs and/or Director of Housing/AVP for Student Affairs, and/or Assistant Vice President for Business Services).
- The respective Assistant Vice President will review the information received, request additional information if necessary, and make a final determination. The Assistant Vice President will transmit a decision to the student, the University member and the Director, Disability, Access, and Inclusion.
Bias, Discrimination, Or Harassment
Any student who is concerned by or who experiences incidents of Bias, Discrimination or Harassment may avail themselves of the following supports and resources for assistance:
- Bias Response Team (This website also contains the contact information of many support services on campus)
- Office of Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, and Diversity