Getting Started with DAI

The office of Disability, Access, and Inclusion (DAI) at the University of Rhode Island, partners with students, faculty, and staff to foster an inclusive, welcoming, and accessible environment. We work with undergraduate and graduate students who identify as having a disability or chronic condition to determine which reasonable accommodations are necessary for equal access under the guidelines of ADAAA/504/508 law and URI’s technical standards and degree requirements. DAI’s goal is to facilitate academic success, independence, self-awareness, and self-advocacy.

To get started, please read the options below, and select the one that best matches your profile:

For non-enrolled, potential URI students, please choose Prospective Students.

If you are officially enrolled at URI and have a student ID number, but have never contacted DAI before, please choose New to DAI.

If you are an enrolled URI student who has gone through at least one step of the DAI accommodations eligibility process, please select Returning DAI students.