ASL Interpreters and CART
Students may wish to request a Sign Language Interpreter or CART (Computer Assisted Real Time) Writer. Typically, the standard classroom accommodations for enrolled students who are deaf or hard of hearing will be University-provided FM Assistive Listening systems with peer note takers. Other accommodations may also apply. Audiological reports with audiograms will substantiate these or other accommodations such as Sign Language Interpreters or CART Writers.
American Sign Language Interpreters or Computer Assisted Real Time Writers for URI courses:
The standard classroom accommodations for enrolled students who are deaf or hard of hearing will be University-provided FM Assistive Listening systems with peer note takers. Other accommodations may also apply. Audiological reports with audiograms will substantiate these or other accommodations such as Sign Language Interpreters or CART Writers.
A Sign Language Interpreter or CART (Computer Assisted Real Time) Writer may be a reasonable accommodation in your course(s) if:
- Standard FM Assistive Listening systems with peer note takers are not adequate for your equal participation in the classroom or activity,
- You are enrolled in a University course,
- You are required by your professor to participate in an academic course-related activity,
(Please note: Interpreters/CART Writers for campus events such as entertainment, new student tours, orientation, theater, etc. will be provided by the hosting department or agency. Please contact that department to request a one-time interpreter or CART writer. One-time events require 72-hours advance notice, but will usually not require disability documentation).
Procedures Required to Obtain a Sign Language Interpreter or CART (Computer Assisted Real Time) Writer
For your academic courses, follow this procedure if you believe you have a qualifying disability and are seeking services of a Sign Language Interpreter or CART (Computer Assisted Real Time) Writer:
- Please contact Disability, Access,and Inclusion (DAI) – email – dai@uri.edu or phone- 401-874-2098 as soon as possible after you have registered for your classes. A month advance notice is often the minimum required to locate interpreters.
- Advance Requests: If you are eligible for Interpreters or CART, arranging this type of auxiliary service for semester-long courses may require a minimum advance notice of one month or 30 days; you may have been eligible to register early through Disability, Access, & Inclusion. We will do our best to acquire this service for you regardless of when your request is made.One-time events require 72-hours advance notice.
- For semester-long course requests we may ask if you are a client of your state’s Vocational Rehabilitative Services and will ask for that contact information in order to arrange cost sharing for the Interpreter/CART Writer.
- Scheduling: If the accommodation committee approves your request for a Sign Language Interpreter or CART Writer, DAI will make arrangements for this service to match your course schedule. Depending on availability of interpreting/CART personnel we may work with you and enrollment services to make schedule changes if necessary.
- Please make use of the Early-registration accommodation and request interpreters (or CART Writers) for the future semester as soon as possible. Maximum advance notice will help ensure you receive the best service.
- Cancellations during the semester: Students must give 36 hours advance notice to DAI (or to the responsible organization) when they are unable to attend a class or activity for which interpreter services have been requested. In case of sudden illness or accident, please notify DAI as soon as you know you will miss class. Repeated failure to comply with this practice may result in termination of interpreter services
Other Interpreter/CART Policies
Hiring and Payment:
DAI is responsible for hiring and payment for interpreters and/or CART writers in all University courses or course-required activities.
When other university activities are scheduled (student entertainment, administrative interviews/appointments, theater productions, invited lectures, etc.), the coordinating department or organization will be the responsible party for hiring and payment of interpreters. Interpreters/CART writers can be requested through the Interpreter Referral Service at CDHH.Interpreter@cdhh.ri.gov or by calling 222-5300 (V), 222-5301 (TTY).
Cancellation Policy:
- Except in cases of sudden illness or accident, students must give 36 hours advance notice to DAI (or to the responsible organization) when they are unable to attend a class or activity for which interpreter services have been requested;
- the student will to call or text directly with interpreter when possible.
- This will allow services (and payment for services) to be canceled in a timely manner, or will save the interpreter/CART writer from unnecessary travel.
- Failure to comply with this procedure may result in termination of services, however other classroom accommodations will remain available.
- At the student’s second unexcused absence from class during a semester, the DAI case manager will counsel the student in order to encourage cooperation with the above policy and to ensure that there are no other health and safety concerns.
- A third unexcused student absence will result in termination of interpreter services for that class. However, if interpreter services are terminated due to student non-compliance, alternative measures (ex. peer notetakers) will continue to ensure accessibility to the course material.
Interpreter/Cart Writer Personnel
The University reserves the right to hire only qualified sign language interpreters. A qualified interpreter will be able to produce a valid Rhode Island license from the RI Department of Health, Professional Regulation. CART Writer qualifications are determined by the contracting professional agency.
- The University establishes Interpreter/CART Writer fees according to guidelines set by State of Rhode Island Master Price Agreements.
- Fees are based on a minimum of two (2) hours pay.
- The Interpreter/CART Writer will be paid for any cancellation of less than twenty-four (24) hours notice. In the event of a class cancellation or class absence by a student the interpreter is asked to notify DAI.
- If an interpreter has been contracted to provide services for a semester-long course and the institution, the department or the student permanently cancels that course, the interpreter, as per the MPA, will be provided two (2) weeks of pay, starting at the point of notification.
- In situations where classes are canceled without notice or a professor is absent, interpreters/CART writers will be paid for the class.
- If an interpreter is unable to fulfill a contracted commitment for interpreting services, he or she must attempt to find a qualified substitute (see above for definition of qualified). The responsible office at the University of Rhode Island must be notified of the absence and informed of the identity of the substitute. (No payment will be made unless a substitute can be found.)
- Interpreters/CART Writers, although independent contractors, are agents of the University and are expected to be in communication with DAI about excessive student absences, so that DAI may intervene in support of the student’s wellbeing.