- Disability Access, and Inclusion
- Email: kmusella@uri.edu
Name: Katie Musella
Job title if you could make your own: Zen Master.
In another life, I’m pretty sure I was: A healer (maybe in Scotland?!!). Before we had modern medicine, in the 18th century, healers used plants, herbs, and holistic means to help those who were sick and in need. However, their knowledge and practices were often viewed as strange, unruly and some even thought healers to be practicing witchcraft!
On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me… Curled up on the couch with my quirky dogs and BIG cup of coffee listening to a true-crime podcast, working my way through a thriller novel, or catching up on one of my latest Netflix finds!
Name a few of your daily habits: I am an early riser and so are my dogs! Most mornings I like to start my day with some form of yoga and meditation to set my intention for the day. Coffee. I love to pair a hot cup of coffee with my tasks I need to get done for the day. I find it keeps me motivated and engaged! To end my day, I love to take my dogs for a long walk, to decompress and detach from all forms of screens…even if it is for just a few minutes!
What was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome to accomplish your academic goals? I had to get out of my own way! While I come from a place of gratitude for the privileges I have had in my life, I found throughout my early academic journey to be struggling with committing to the idea that I could achieve my goals I set for myself. I had allowed self-doubt and vulnerabilities in my life deter me from my capabilities at times. As I entered my graduate studies and am in my second year of a clinical Ph.D. program, I did not realize that there are so many other people who have felt like me during different times in their own academic careers and needed to go through their own journeys of overcoming their “imposter” worries!
What advice would you give to your past self? You will face challenges, and that is okay! Lean into that feeling and get at its roots! Self-doubt will tell you things that are not true. Look to your strengths, own your successes and your shortcomings and see them as opportunities to learn and grow.
What is your favorite part about your job? Students! Connecting with students to help support them and develop problem solving strategies as they experience this process of self-discovery and achieving their goals is incredibly gratifying!