M.A. in Educational Leadership and Policy


The Educational Leadership & Policy program at the University of Rhode Island prepares aspiring leaders to navigate the evolving complexities of PK-12 education with confidence and purpose. Designed for working professionals, the program offers a flexible virtual hybrid format, blending online synchronous and asynchronous learning to accommodate busy schedules while maintaining a rigorous academic experience.

With a strong focus on equity, instructional leadership, and data-driven decision-making, the program equips candidates with the critical skills needed to drive meaningful change and improve student outcomes. Candidates engage in over 500 hours of clinical experiences, allowing them to seamlessly integrate their learning into their current roles in schools and districts.

Program Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this program, candidates will understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult in their school community by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to:

Goal #1 – Strategic Leadership and Visioning

1.1 – Collaboratively lead, design, and implement a school mission, vision, and process for continuous improvement that reflects a core set of values and priorities, including data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
1.2 – Demonstrate the capacity to advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate and enact professional norms. 
1.3 – Develop and maintain a supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive school culture.

Goal #2 – Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

2.1 – Develop, implement, and evaluate coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, data systems, professional development, and assessment.
2.2 – Ensure that instructional practices align with standards, are consistent with knowledge of student learning and development, and are intellectually engaging.

Goal #3 – School Improvement

3.1 – Engage families, community, and school personnel to strengthen student learning, support school improvement, and advocate for the needs of their school and community.
3.2 – Foster a professional community of teachers and other professional staff to promote each student’s academic success and social and emotional well-being.

Goal #4 – Management and Resource Planning

4.1 – Develop coherent management, communication, technology, school-level governance, and operation systems to promote each student’s academic success and well being.
4.2 – Build the school’s professional capacity, engage staff in the development of a collaborative professional culture, and improve systems of staff supervision, evaluation, and support.

Course Delivery Format

This program is considered a virtual hybrid program.  Courses will be delivered online in a combination of synchronous and asynchronous sessions. A variety of instructional methods are used, including lectures, discussions, case studies, presentations, cooperative learning activities, internet assignments, guest practitioner presentations, role-play, and written and verbal assignments. Courses are taught by URI full-time and part-time faculty. 

Our comprehensive curriculum merges theory with practical application, covering essential topics such as curriculum leadership, resource management, and community engagement. Courses are taught by expert faculty with extensive leadership experience, fostering mentorship and professional networking opportunities.

Graduates of the program are well-prepared to pursue PK-12 Building Level Administrator certification in Rhode Island, with opportunities for additional coursework to advance into district-level leadership roles, including Superintendent or Director of Special Education. The program’s alignment with the Rhode Island Standards for Educational Leaders (RISEL), National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) standards, and International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards ensures that candidates develop the competencies required to succeed as forward-thinking educational leaders.