M.A. in Education

Elementary Education Specialization


teacher working with young student

The Master of Arts in Education with Elementary Education specialization offers advanced study for certified elementary teachers (grades 1-6).

Many teachers find that while they are keeping current in their profession, they would like an opportunity for more in-depth study of an area that impacts their teaching and student learning. The M.A. program provides you this opportunity to delve deeper into a specific area, as well as advance your professional career.

You might want to explore current issues in the profession, sampling a range of courses across topics such as teaching second language English learners, co-teaching, or teaching and learning with digital technologies. Or you might want a master’s degree to receive higher pay or qualify for career advancement opportunities.

Whatever your motivation, this program is flexible enough to be built around your needs and interests. The program has three core courses and a thesis or non-thesis option. Of the 30 credits required, 18 credits are selected in consultation with an advisor and become your focus. The resulting program of study is your pathway to completion.