Click on the subheadings to search the library catalog.
Juvenile and Young Adult Books
The collection contains children and young adult materials, fiction and nonfiction, for pre K-12 such as classics, picture books, wordless picture books, beginning-to-read books, nursery rhymes, biographies, folk literature, fairy tales, mythology, modern fantasy, poetry, and plays. Find other resources on children’s books here.
The CML has a pre K-12 textbook collection in curricular subjects such as language arts, social studies, mathematics, and science.
Each year, the Rhode Island Department of Education collects and distributes a listing of textbooks used in all public schools in the state of Rhode Island. Click here to search the current list and view lists from previous years.
Reference Materials
The CML reference collection contains materials intended for pre-service teachers as well as children and young adults such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, source books, books of lists, indexes, teaching standards, and reviewing sources for educational media, software, and technology.
Professional Resources
This collection provides professional teaching materials pre K-12 designed to enhance lesson preparation and classroom teaching experiences of pre-service teachers. Professional Resources materials cover curriculum areas such as idea and activity, teaching methods, unit and lesson plans, classroom management, psychology of learning, and education theories.
In an effort to align the collection of curriculum materials with those currently being utilized in the state, the CML works with local school districts to determine their respective curricula. K-12 ELA and Math curricula currently used in Rhode Island districts can be found here. In addition, the Rhode Island Department of Education has released a list of approved, high-quality curricula in ELA and Math from which districts can select.
The CML has a small collection of educational media materials such as CDs and DVDs.
Big Books
The collection includes several dozen big books, both fiction and nonfiction. Why use big books with your students?Check out this Scholastic Guide for Using Big Books in the Classroom
Kits and Games
Kits, manipulatives, games, STEM tools and other non-book materials cover all curriculum areas and subjects. These materials are used for lesson planning, developing learning activities, bulletin boards, or graphic organizers.
Searching the Curriculum Materials Library Online 
- Go to the Library’s Catalog and search for your topic or title
- On the right side of the results page, scroll down to Location
- Select Carothers Library CML
Checking Out And Returning CML Materials
All books to be borrowed are checked out at the main Circulation Desk. Borrowers must have their University ID with them in order to check out CML library materials. For more information about the University Library’s loan policies and procedures see the University Libraries Circulation and Borrowing Policies.