It was announced at the official opening of the Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering that the engineering quad will be named after Dean Raymond M. Wright.
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A Bomb Detector as Sensitive as a Dog’s Nose
Researchers in URI’s College of Engineering are developing a device for detecting the explosive triacetone triperoxide (TATP) in its vapor form. Their new detection system, which pairs a conductance sensor with a traditional thermodynamic sensor, confirms the presence of TATP at the level of parts per billion.
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URI Assistant Professor Gretchen Macht and three URI students appeared before the Rhode Island Board of Elections recently to present a report on voter data that could be used in an app.
Continue reading "App Should Shorten Lines at the Polls"Watson Named Regional Chair of Multicultural Engineering Program
Charles Watson, assistant director of diversity for URI’s College of Engineering, has been named a regional chairperson of the National Association of Multicultural Engineering Program Advocates (NAMEPA) for 2020-2022.
Continue reading "Watson Named Regional Chair of Multicultural Engineering Program"Rhode Island Transportation Forum to be Held at URI
The 32nd Annual Rhode Island Transportation Forum will take place at URI’s Fine Arts Center on Oct. 25. The theme will be “Durable Infrastructure for a Sustainable and Resilient Transportation System for Eternal Peace and Prosperity.”
Continue reading "Rhode Island Transportation Forum to be Held at URI"Smart Glove for Parkinson’s Patients Featured on Channel 10
Barbara Morse Silva visited the URI College of Engineering to do a feature for Channel 10’s Health Check segment on the smart glove. The glove has been developed by Associate Professor Kunal Mankodiya and students in his lab to monitor patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Continue reading "Smart Glove for Parkinson’s Patients Featured on Channel 10"Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering Opens
More than 500 people joined URI President David M. Dooley and College of Engineering Dean Raymond Wright on Oct. 7 to officially celebrate the opening of the Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering.
Continue reading "Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering Opens"Orchestra from IEP’s Partner University in Germany Visits URI
The wind ensemble AkaBlas, from the Technical University (TU) Braunschweig in Germany, visited URI from Sept. 25-26. TU Braunschweig is the partner university of the URI International Engineering Program.
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The 2019 HealthHacksRI will take place at URI on Oct. 5-6. This year’s theme is “Innovate 4 Sleep.” Students from all programs are encouraged to form teams to develop innovative solutions to sleep issues. Win up $1,000 in prizes!
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Following the Engineering and Technology Career Fair on Oct. 2, BMW will host an information session for engineering students. The event will be from 4:30-6:00 pm in Room 025C of the Fascitelli Engineering Building.
Continue reading "BMW to Hold Career Information Session"Close to 100 Companies Expected at URI Engineering Fair
The 2019 University of Rhode Island Engineering & Technology Fair will be held on Oct. 2 from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm in URI’s Ryan Center.
Continue reading "Close to 100 Companies Expected at URI Engineering Fair"Simulations Can Forecast Tsunami Hazards
URI Distinguished Engineering Professor Stephan Grilli and his team of researchers have shown that modeling can forecast tsunamis from volcanic events and lead to early-warning systems that could save lives and prevent property damage.
Continue reading "Simulations Can Forecast Tsunami Hazards"URI to Lead National Cyber-Physical Systems Security Workshop
The security of the electrical grid will be the subject of a two-day workshop at the University of Rhode Island on Oct. 18-19.
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University of Michigan Professor Nancy Love will present this lecture on Sept. 25 as part of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists Kappe Lecture Series.
Continue reading "Rethinking America’s Urban Water Infrastructure"Korean-American Scientists & Engineers Association Honors Professor K. Wayne Lee
The Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) honors URI College of Engineering Professor K. Wayne Lee with the Outstanding Contribution to KSEA Award.
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Smart Glove to Help Doctors Treat Patients with Parkinson’s
According to a Parkinson’s Foundation study, 1.2 million people in the United States will have Parkinson’s disease by 2030. A smart glove that can collect data based on the movements of those living with the disease and other movement disorders is being developed by URI Associate Professor Kunal Mankodiya.
Continue reading "Smart Glove to Help Doctors Treat Patients with Parkinson’s"URI Engineering Professor is Panelist at Navy Technology Event
James Miller, professor of ocean engineering at the University of Rhode Island, was a guest panelist for the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division Newport’s Advanced Naval Technology Exercise (ANTX) on Aug. 28. The professor spoke about the role of academia, specifically the ocean engineering program at URI, plays in preserving knowledge of technology across generations. “Since the […]
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Applications are invited for a tenure-track position in Computer Engineering at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning in Fall 2020. We are seeking candidates in computer engineering with expertise in security or privacy in cyber-physical systems, but outstanding candidates in all areas of Computer Engineering will be considered. This include but not limited to computer systems or architecture, networking, […]
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URI Assistant Professor of Ocean Engineering Brennan Phillips and a team of researchers discovered fish in the depths of the sea off the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific that were using bioluminescent flashes for “schooling.”
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Amgen Seminar Series in Chemical Engineering are free and open to the public.
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Tim Keefe’s interest in geotechnical engineering traces back to his childhood when his father taught him how to dig for quahogs in Narragansett Bay. As an engineering graduate student at URI, Keefe is still learning about the properties of soils and other materials
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Two URI engineering professors are developing a device that incorporates paper-based microfluidic valve technology. The small device could be used for pharmaceutical analysis, clinical diagnostics, environmental monitoring and food testing.
Continue reading "Two URI Engineering Professors Developing Paper-Based Biochemical Testing Device"URI Engineering Alumnus Earns Presidential Award for Scientists
By Neil Nachbar University of Rhode Island College of Engineering alumnus Robert Hernandez has been named a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (PECASE), the nation’s highest award for scientists and engineers in the early stages of their research careers. Hernandez earned his master’s degree in electrical engineering from URI […]
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By Neil Nachbar Bryan Reimer, who received his bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in engineering from the University of Rhode Island, has been named the 2019 recipient of the Jack A. Kraft Innovator Award from the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES). The award recognizes those who have made significant efforts to extend or diversify the application of human factors […]
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