Scholastic Standing Committee and Petition Approval

Students petition the College of Engineering (COE) Scholastic Standing Committee (SSC) for all academic matters that require both departmental and college approval. The most common uses of the petition include:

  • modification(s) to a program of study
  • general education course substitution(s)
  • decisions concerning scholastic standing

To request a modification to a program of study, students must complete the major course petition form. This form requires an explanation for the petition requested as well as signatures from the student’s Department Chair, Scholastic Standing Board Member, and Assistant Dean.

To request a general education course substitution, students must complete the general education petition form. This includes requests for a non-general education course to count as a general education course and/or for a general education course to count for an outcome other than what is already approved in the University Course Catalog. The form requires an explanation for the petition requested, as well as signatures from the Chair of the department that houses the course in question, the student’s major’s Scholastic Standing Board Member and the student’s Assistant Dean.

Note: When they arise, serious academic issues may require the entire SSC to convene and deliberate on the matter(s) at hand. Examples would be student grade appeal, student appeal of cheating/plagiarism, etc.  The SSC meets as needed for these purposes. All parties involved must follow the appropriate steps as described in the relevant portions of the University Manual, and the necessary paperwork must be filed before the issue(s) will be addressed by the SSC.

COE SSC Membership

The COE SSC members by degree program are shown below. On your your major course and general education petition forms you will need the signature of the faculty member in your program:

BME – Dr. Richard Vaccaro ELE – Dr. Richard Vaccaro
CHE – Dr. Michael Greenfield ISE – Dr. Valerie Maier-Speredelozzi
CPE – Dr. Richard Vaccaro MCE – Dr. Musa Jouaneh
CVE – Dr. Aaron Bradshaw OCE – Dr. Bradford Knight
