The Financial Administration Division provides the support services in the following areas that enable the Facilities Department to perform its primary function which is to provide an environment and infrastructure that supports the teaching research and outreach mission of the University.
Fiscal Office
The Fiscal Office is staffed by four full-time fiscal clerks and is responsible for performing the day-to-day functions for the Facilities Operations Departments in the areas of budgeting, accounting, payroll, purchasing. Below are examples of key functions performed by the Fiscal Office:
- Prepare and processing of requisitions submitted to the University’s Purchasing Department and other procurement departments.
- Monitor and reconcile PO’s and account balances, including communications with Vendors, University Accounting and Budget personnel
- Maintain fiscal, payroll files
- The receipt and processing of vendor invoices
- Accounts receivable billing, Petty Cash
- Account reconciliation and auditing
- Time card/Payroll processing
Fiscal Staff
Higher Education Financial Office Preaudit Clerk
Higher Education Financial Office Preaudit Clerk
Higher Education Financial Office Preaudit Clerk
Higher Education Financial Office Preaudit Clerk