Quick Links:
Requesting Access to Kuali
Logging into Kuali
Requesting Access to Kuali
Access to Kuali CM is limited to faculty, Deans, and select administrators and staff. Only faculty members are permitted to submit proposals.
To request access, please follow the link below:
Kuali Curriculum Management AccessYou will be directed to the University’s Kuali Access Package. This feature allows anyone with a URI SSO to request access to the application and be granted access more quickly than a manual request. After clicking “continue,” you will be asked to fill in your job or position title, and business justification for using Kuail.

Once your request is submitted, you will be notified once access is granted.
Logging into Kuali
Microsoft 365 – for the initial login
– Log into the Microsoft Portal using your URI SSO
– Click on “Apps” in the left hand menu
– Click on “More in Other Apps →” on the bottom right
– Select “Kuali Course Management” from the collection

Direct link – after initial login
Once you’ve initially logged into Kuali, you can bookmark this direct link to your dashboard.
Curriculum App
Upon login, you will be able to access Kuali Curriculum Management (CM) by clicking on the “Curriculum” tile. This is where the current courses, programs, and specializations live, and where you will create proposals for new or modified curricular matters.