Curriculum Toolkit

Welcome to the URI Faculty Senate Curriculum Toolkit. This page provides resources regarding URI’s curricular processes, including Kuali CM user guides, curriculum-related Faculty Senate procedures, and other helpful links to help establish a common understanding of the tools at the University’s disposal, and secure efficient, intentional, and straightforward curricular changes.

Kuali AccessHow to request access and login to Kuali Curriculum Management
URI Course GlossaryDefining the composition of a course from modality, methods of instruction, course numbers, credits, and everything in between.
The Approval ProcessHow is a course, program, or specialization approved?
The Legislative ProcessWhat happens before and after the Senate Meetings?
Kuali BasicsWhat is Kuali, and how does it relate to eCampus and the catalog?
Kuali Course GuideGuides to courses and course proposals
Kuali Specialization GuideGuides to specializations and specialization proposals
Kuali Program GuideGuides to programs and program proposals
Dates & DeadlinesFrom proposal submission, to Faculty Senate approvals – what is a realistic expectation of the approval process timeline?
FAQsThe most frequently ask questions regarding Kuali, approvals, and the catalog.