Budget Model Design Committee

Committee Charge


  • Support modeling efforts associated with recommendations or suggestions as provided by the Budget Model Steering and Executive Committees.
  • Identify potential roadblocks and ramifications associated with scenarios suggested by the Steering Committee.
  • Recommend potential solutions associated with data inconsistencies and supporting business policies that need to be addressed for a successful budget model implementation.
  • Support the review and validation of baseline models as provided by potential budget model implementation partner.
  • Identify other stakeholders across the University to be included in the timely resolution of complex, technical subject areas.


The guidance and recommendations provided by the Budget Model Executive Committee will inform the work of the Budget Model Steering and Design Committees.

  • The Steering Committee will provide recommendations to the Executive Committee for their consideration. Likewise, the Design Committee will provide recommendations to the Steering Committee for their considerations.
  • It is within the purview of the Design Committee to recommended other subject matter experts (SMEs) to join discussions in which the Design Committee feels they lack the appropriate expertise.
  • The Design Committee will make every effort to support the work being performed by the Steering Committee, as well as any future budget model implementation.


  • Support the deliverables as outlined in the Budget Model Steering Committee Charge, which will include but not be limited to:
    • Provide recommendations around scenarios requested to be modeled by the Steering Committee.
    • Provide the Steering Committee items for consideration as they deliberate the most appropriate courses of action.
    • Provide insight regarding business processes/policies that may inhibit the Steering Committee’s ability to pursue a particular course of action.