Meet the Team

Current Executive Council Members

Full Name: Asta Zerue Habtemichael
Position: President 
Department: Graduate School of Oceanography
Active Years: Spring 2024- Present
Role: The President serves as the University's executive officer and spokesperson, coordinating officers' activities, and acting as a liaison between the University Community and GSA. They oversee daily financial transactions, co-sign on them, and are responsible for developing an annual budget with the Executive Board.
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Full Name:  Karolina S. Wojcik
Position: Vice President
Program: Dept. of English | Dept. of Professional and Public Writing
Active Years: Spring 2024- Present
Role: The Vice-President fills in for the President whenever needed. The Vice-President confers with the President on all matters that involve the Graduate School and the University administration including serving as the liaison between the GSA and all graduate students, serving on the university councils or committees.
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Full Name: Obed Baah Amoah
Position: Treasurer
Department: Department of Computer Science and Statistics
Active Years: Fall 2023- Present
Role: The Treasurer handles all daily financial transactions, maintains detailed records, and reports the GSA's financial status to the executive board and general body. They also collaborate with the Executive Board to develop an annual budget.
LinkedIn Profile

Full Name:  Helani Singhapurage
Position: Secretary
Program: Department of Physics
Active Years: Spring 2024- Present
Role: The Secretary prepares the agenda and keep current and detailed Graduate Senate minutes (meetings). The Secretary also coordinates reports of those committee and organization representatives responsible to the Graduate Senate. The Secretary is also responsible for informing via email all graduate students of GSA upcoming meetings and events.
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Full Name: Showrov Rahman
Position:  Web Master
Department: College of Engineering
Active Years: Spring 2023- Present
Role: The web-master oversees the maintenance of the GSA Web pages on the website ensuring that all the links, information, and documents uploaded on the website is correct and up-to-date.

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Full Name: Joseph Owusu-Sarfo
Position:  GAU Liaison
Department: College of Pharmacy
Active Years: Fall 2023- Present
Role: The GSA Liaison is responsible for attending all Graduate Assistants United (GAU) executive board meetings and keeping the GSA Executive Council and Graduate Senate informed of any ongoing issues and discussions in the GAU.

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Full Name:  Abraham Otele 
Position: Social Media Manager/Event Coordinator Assistant
Program: Department of  Cyber Security
Active Years: Fall 2023- Present
Role: Curate, create, and schedule engaging content across various social media platforms to promote association events, news, and updates.
Monitor, respond to, and engage with online community feedback, comments, and direct messages. Analyze social media metrics, track engagement rates, and adjust strategies accordingly. 

LinkedIn Profile

Full Name: Patricia N. Crawford
Position:  Past President
Department: College of Business
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Previous Members & Officers

List of Former Officers and Senators