Welcome to the Rhode Island INBRE Molecular Informatics Core (formerly the RI-INBRE Bioinformatics Core and URI Genomics and Sequence Core). We are an NIH-funded core facility that serves Rhode Island institutions requiring sequencing, bioinformatics or data science services.
Events and Announcements

NIH Nephele: Microbiome Analysis: LongRead Assembly pipeline (LoRA)
The LoRA pipeline is a complete automated workflow for long metagenomic reads processing, which runs through steps for host removal, long read assembly, microbial taxonomic content classifications, feature predictions, annotations, and abundance scoring, as well as (if elected) functional inference, community stats and visualizations. The pipeline is also equipped with user electable databases specific for […]

Release of Curated Data Repository v8 to the All of Us Researcher Workbench
Release of Curated Data Repository v8 to the All of Us Researcher Workbench The All of Us Research Program released the Curated Data Repository (CDR) version 8 for Controlled Tier and Registered Tier data. The CDRv8 for both tiers (Controlled Tier C2024Q3R4 and Registered Tier R2024Q3R3) includes participant data with a cutoff date of October 1, 2023. Link

HHS Artificial Intelligence Strategic Plan
HHS’s vision is to be a global leader in innovating and adopting responsible AI to achieve unparalleled advances in the health and well-being of all Americans. HHS’s overarching objective is to set in motion a coordinated public-private approach to improving the quality, safety, efficiency, accessibility, equitability, and outcomes in health and human services through the […]

NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science, 2025 – 2030
Data science is advancing our understanding of biomedical and behavioral phenomena, contributing to breakthroughs that improve the health and wellbeing of all. The 2025-2030 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Strategic Plan for Data Science sets a bold vision for the future of data science at the NIH. The Office of Data Science Strategy leads implementation […]

Science Journals to Investigate Image Fraud with AI Tools
The journal Science announced on Jan 4, 2024 that they will begin using the tool Proofig to identify instances of image fraud in publications submitted to its six journals. The policy is summarized as follows: Proofig will be applied after a research paper is revised by authors. After analyzing the images, the tool generates a […]

NIGMS Cloud Sandbox
The NIGMS has recently launched a cloud-based set of learning modules called NIGMS Sandbox. These modules are designed to teach basic and advanced concepts in biomedical data science. The modules currently run on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) but will eventually run on Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Microsoft Azure as well. The modules currently […]

Implementation Changes for Genomic Data Sharing Plans Included with Applications Due on or after January 25, 2023
NIH continues to work with the biomedical research community to promote effective and responsible management and sharing of scientific data generated from NIH-funded or conducted research. In an effort to reduce the burden of duplicative reporting expectations, NIH is informing the research community of its intent to establish a single Plan submission requirement for research […]
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