Public Relations B.A.
Course Descriptions
Introduction to Public Relations
(3 crs.) Examine and explore public relations principles, concepts and emerging trends associated with the role of the PR practitioner. Explore career paths, such as investor relations, community relations, public affairs, and event management. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Exploring Harrington (AS_EHAR_BA) or declared PR Majors, Minors.
Introduction to Event Management
(3 crs.) Explore principles, concepts and emerging trends pertinent to event management, a significant aspect of public relations. Gain an understanding of the synergy that develops between public relations and marketing. (Lec. 3) Pre: PRS100 or permission of instructor.
Social Media Strategies for the PR Professional
(4 crs.) Students will explore principles, concepts and emerging trends relative to the pervasiveness of social media. Will focus on effectively branding and messaging to niche markets. (Lec. 3, Practicum) Pre: PRS 100 and majors or minors in Comm Studies, Sports Media, or PR.
Strategic Media Relations
(3 crs.) Explore media relations strategies/tactics (crafting releases, pitching to the media, use of social/traditional media, e.g. twitter) to inform/persuade publics about issues. (Lec. 3) Pre: Students admitted to PR Major and WRT 331.
Writing Public Relations
(3 crs.) Cross-list as (WRT), PRS 331. Introduces the audiences, situations, and processes typical of public relations writing. Includes practice with genres including news releases, features, pitches, fact sheets, and multimedia press kits. Emphasizes professional behavior. (Lec. 3) Pre: any 200-level or above WRT course; PR and WRT majors only.
Public Relations Strategies
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PRS), JOR 340. Principles and procedures in public relations: emphasis on role of the public relations practitioner as a specialist in communication; analysis of publications produced as a part of public relations. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: PRS 100 and declared PR majors or PR minors.
Editing For Publication
(3 crs.) Cross-list as (JOR), PRS 341. An introduction to editing for the print media, including newspapers, magazines, and public relations. Focuses on taking work written by others and preparing it for publication. Includes consideration of legal and ethical issues. (Lec. 3) Pre: junior standing and JOR 220 or WRT 331/PRS 331, and major in journalism or public relations, or permission of instructor.
Strategic Sport Communication & Media
(3 crs.) This course introduces effective communication and public relations strategies and techniques within an organizational and professional context for sports. Students will explore various communication careers in sports as well as develop skills in print, online, broadcast and social media for sports. (Lec. 3) Pre: PRS 100 or COM 100, and COM 203 or SMC 220, or permission of instructor.
Sport Branding in the Digital Age
(3 crs.) This course examines digital branding within the context of the sport media industry. It covers foundations of branding while applying lessons to real-life cases in sport. (Lec. 3) Pre: COM100 or PRS100, and COM203 or permission of the instructor.
Public Relations Practices
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PRS), JOR 441. Practical application of traditional PR methods in solving problems in a variety of markets. Explores fundamental agency operations, client-agency relationships. Combines practical experience with individual projects, programs, and campaigns. (Practicum/Online) Pre: PRS 340. Not for graduate credit. (D1)
Strategic Media Communication
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PRS), WRT, COM 442, JOR 443. Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations. Students gain practical experience in various writing and speaking opportunities to effectively work with the media. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Junior standing; open only to majors in Communication Studies, Public Relations, Journalism, and Writing.
Public Relations Internship
(3 or 6 crs.) Supervised experience in public relations. Requires a minimum of 120 hours (3 credits) or 240 hours (6 credits). Weekly class meeting. May be repeated; maximum of 6 credits allowed toward graduation. (Online) Pre: public relations majors only; PRS 331, 332, 340. Permission of instructor and application required. Not for graduate credit.
Practicum in Public Relations
(3 crs.) Supervised field and PR production lab experience. Entails substantial field and client-based activities in the collaborative drafting, design and production of public relations projects. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 6 credits. (Prac.) Pre: Permission of the instructor. Not for graduate credit. S/U credit only.