For Spring 2021: To see only courses that will be offered face-to-face, use the search box and type: in person
Spring 2021
Course | Section | Title | Description | Day/Times | Instructor |
AST 118H | 0001 | Honors Section of AST 118: Introductory Astronomy: The Solar System | (4 crs.) Celestial sphere, Earth, formation of and motions and characteristics of objects in solar system, the Sun, exoplanets, and search for extraterrestrial life. Planetarium used for lectures and demonstrations. Pre: Must have a 3.4 overall GPA or higher. (A1) | MWF 11:00-11:50 am (synchronous online) | Douglas Gobeille |
CCJ 274H | 0001 | Honors Section of CCJ/PSC 274: Criminal Justice System | (3 crs.) Honors Section of CCJ/PSC 274: Cross-listed as (CCJ), PSC 274H. The American system of criminal justice, general processing of cases, principal actors, study of theories of criminal law, and pretrial detention and sentencing. Pre: 3.40 or higher overall GPA. THIS IS A COMBINED SECTION CLASS | TuTh 11:00am-12:15pm (synchronous online) | Jill Doerner |
CHN 112H | 0001 | Honors Section of CHN 112: Intensive Beginning Chinese II | (4 crs.) Honors Section of CHN 112: Intensive Beginning Chinese II. Pre: CHN 111 or equivalent and 3.40 overall gpa. (C2) (A3) | M 9:00-9:50am (in person) WF 9:00-9:50am (online) | |
CHN 312H | 0001 | Honors Section of CHN 312(216): Intensive Conversation and Composition II | (4 crs.) Honors Section of CHN 312 (216): Intensive Conversation and Composition II. Intensive course in further development of proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing Chinese. Advanced-low level grammatical structures. Pre: 3.40 overall gpa and CHN 311, 311H or equivalent, or permission of instructor. (C2) (A3) | TuTh 9:30-10:45am MWF 9:00-9:50am (online) | |
CMB 311H | 0001 | Honors Section of CMB 311H: Introductory Biochemistry | (3 crs.) Honors Section of CMB 311: Introductory Biochemistry. Pre: CHM 124 or equivalent, and 3.40 overall GPA. | TuTh 12:30-1:45pm (synchronous online) | Steven Gregory |
COM 100H | 0001 | Honors Section of COM 100: Communication Fundamentals | (3 crs.) Honors Section of COM 100: Communication Fundamentals. Not open to students with credit in COM 110. Pre: Must have a 3.40 overall GPA. (B2) (C1) | MWF 10:00-10:50am (synchronous online) | Nikolaos Poulakos |
COM 100H | 0002 | Honors Section of COM 100: Communication Fundamentals | (3 crs.) Honors Section of COM 100: Communication Fundamentals. Not open to students with credit in COM 110. Pre: Must have a 3.40 overall GPA. (B2) (C1) | MWF 12:00-12:50pm (synchronous online) | Nikolaos Poulakos |
COM 100H | 0003 | Honors Section of COM 100: Communication Fundamentals | (3 crs.) Honors Section of COM 100: Communication Fundamentals. Not open to students with credit in COM 110. Pre: Must have a 3.40 overall GPA. (B2) (C1) | MWF 8:00-8:50am (synchronous online) | Tracy Proulx |
COM 100H | 0004 | Honors Section of COM 100: Communication Fundamentals | (3 crs.) Honors Section of COM 100: Communication Fundamentals. Not open to students with credit in COM 110. Pre: Must have a 3.40 overall GPA. (B2) (C1) | MWF 9:00-9:50am (synchronous online) | Tracy Proulx |
COM 100H | 0005 | Honors Section of COM 100: Communication Fundamentals | (3 crs.) Honors Section of COM 100: Communication Fundamentals. Not open to students with credit in COM 110. Pre: Must have a 3.40 overall GPA. (B2) (C1) | MWF 12:00-12:50pm (synchronous online) | Erin Earle |
COM 321GH | 0001 | Honors Section of COM 321G: Impact of Social Media/Technology on Interpersonal Relationships | (3 crs.) Honors Sections of COM 321G: Social Media and Interpersonal Communication. Explore theories and research on interpersonal communication and social media. Examine social media uses and impact on communication, perceptions, identity construction, relationships, and society. (Lec. 3) Pre: COM 100 and overall GPA of 3.4 or higher, or permission of instructor. (A2) (GC) | MWF 2:00-2:50pm (synchronous online) | Tracy Proulx |
ECN 201H | 0001 | Honors Section of ECN 201: Principles of Economics: Microeconomics | (3 crs.) Honors Section of ECN 201: Principles of Economics: Microeconomics. Pre: overall gpa of 3.40. (A2) | MWF 10:00-10:50am (in person) | Theresa Devine |
ECN 202H | 0001 | Honors Section: ECN 202: Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics | (3 crs.) Principles underlying aggregate demand and aggregate supply in a market economy. Topics include national income determination, inflation, unemployment, economic growth, and international trade. Institutional foundations explored. Pre: 3.40 overall gpa and ECN 201 or ECN 201H or EEC 105 or equivalent. (A2) (C1) | MWF 2:00-2:50pm (synchronous online) | Nina Eichacker |
ECN 381H | 0001 | Honors Section of ECN 381: Radical Critques of Contemporary Political Economics | (3 crs.) Honors Section of ECN 381: Radical Critiques of Contemporary Political Economics. Recents developments in (mostly) American capitalism and their implications for political fragmentation and cultural divides over race and gender. Examination of practical alternatives to current socio-economic arrangements including nationalism, de-militarization, stakeholder capitalism, and democratic socialism. Pre: ECN 202, 3.40 overall GPA, or permission of instructor. | MF 4:00-5:15pm (in person) | Richard McIntyre |
EGR 106H | 0001 | Honors Section of EGR 106: Foundation of Engineering II | (2 crs.) Honors Section of EGR 106: Foundations of Engineering II. Engineering problem solving. Pre: MTH 141 or concurrent registration in MTH 141 and a 3.40 overall GPA. (A4) | M 3:00-5:15pm (in person) | Christopher Hunter |
ENG 243H | 0001 | Honors Section of ENG 243: The Short Story | (4 crs.) This Honors section of ENG 243 will provide more than an introduction to the short story as a genre from the nineteenth century through the present. It also provides instruction in and practice with the skills necessary for the analysis of literature through reading, discussion, and writing. Our course will pay special attention to the development of the American short story, with emphasis given to the historical and formal bases of the short story’s close association over the years with narrative experimentation. Pre: 3.40 overall gpa.(A3) (B1) | TuTh 3:30-4:45pm (synchronous/ asynchronous online) | David Faflik |
GWS 150H | 0001 | Honors Section of GWS 150: Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies | (3 crs.) Images of women, the theories and processes of socialization, historical perspectives, and implications for social change. Service learning in some sections. Pre: 3.40 overall GPA. (A2) (C3) | Tu 4:00-6:45pm (in person) | Sara Murphy |
HIS 119GH | 0001 | Honors Section of HIS 119G: Vaccines and Society | (3 crs.) Examines the history of vaccination, its ethical and legal frameworks, global vaccination campaigns, and scientific debates about the safety and efficacy of vaccination. Pre: 3.40 overall gpa. (A3) (C1) (GC) | TuTh 12:30-1:45pm (synchronous online) | Andrea Rusnock |
HPR 124 | 0001 | Loss in the Lives of Children and Adolescents | (3 crs.) Children's experiences with loss, focusing on developmental stage, cognitive capacity, and emotional effects. Explores victimization of children from a global perspective. Service-learning linkage with Friends Way, a children's bereavement center. Counts towards Thanatology minor. Pre: Must have a 3.4 overall GPA. (A2) (C1) | TuTh 9:30-10:45am (blended-in person/online) | Carolyn Hames |
HPR 124 | 0002 | Superheroes, political leaders, and the power of Myth | (3 crs.)Where do we turn when searching for answers? From politics to personal safety, can individuals solve the problems that society has not so far addressed? And what do we know about the people we trust (or of whom we should be wary)? The contemporary world provides us with heroes “that don’t always wear capes” (but sometimes they do). This course looks at the modern emergence of the charismatic leader, and answer the question of what makes a hero special, or even needed. Should we trust heroes to champion all of their people (as we will see in the recent Black Panther) or do we need to keep a close eye on what freedom we give to those we trust (as we will explore in The Watchmen and Star Wars)? Answering these questions will provide us with a roadmap for how we can participate in movements to change and better our world, and to identify what, instead, each of us personally finds problematic or dangerous. (A2) (C1) | MW 1:00-1:50pm (in person) F 1:00-1:50pm (online) | Giacomo Leoni |
HPR 142 | 0001 | Sounding Selves: Mental Health and Modern Music | (3 cr) An interdisciplinary exploration of some of the many ways mental health and music overlap and connect. From the work of neurologist Oliver Sacks to Kanye West's bipolar diagnosis to Rihanna and Eminen's domestic violence duet(s) to Autism: The Musical. There will be opportunities to engage with our own relationships to music and mental wellness and to write/produce our own music. (B1) (B4) | TuTh 12:30-1:45pm (synchronous online) | Sarah Toatley |
HPR 142 | 0002 | Sounding Selves: Mental Health and Modern Music | (3 cr)An interdisciplinary exploration of some of the many ways mental health and music overlap and connect. From the work of neurologist Oliver Sacks to Kanye West's bipolar diagnosis to Rihanna and Eminen's domestic violence duet(s) to Autism: The Musical. There will be opportunities to engage with our own relationships to music and mental wellness and to write/produce our own music. (B1) (B4) | TuTh 2:00-3:15pm (synchronous online) | Sarah Toatley |
HPR 183G | 0001 | Art of Activism | (3 crs.) We will study, analyze, and explore some of the ways creative expression connects with politics, political movements, social justice, and more. What does art do that makes it so powerful? What is the line between art and propaganda? What might policy makers and corporate leaders have to learn from artists' works? These are some of the questions we'll ask and begin to answer, in conversation, through writing, and through engaging with diverse perspectives. (C3) (B4) (GC) | TuTh 9:30-10:45am (synchronous online) | Sarah Toatley |
HPR 183G | 0002 | Art of Activism | (3 crs.) We will study, analyze, and explore some of the ways creative expression connects with politics, political movements, social justice, and more. What does art do that makes it so powerful? What is the line between art and propaganda? What might policy makers and corporate leaders have to learn from artists' works? These are some of the questions we'll ask and begin to answer, in conversation, through writing, and through engaging with diverse perspectives. (C3) (B4) (GC) | TuTh 11:00-am-12:15pm (synchronous online) | Sarah Toatley |
HPR 224G | 0001 | Honors Colloquium: Climate Change and Your Future | (3 cr.)What are the most critical threats to your future as defined by the generally accepted line in the sand of 2050 and global mean temperature of the 1.5 to 2.0 degrees Celsius stabilization? What will climate change mean in global environmental change? We will discuss species extinction, food deserts, projected extremes in weather patterns, the impact of world population, and other concerning projections—many of which we are already seeing. The first portion of the class will focus on developing a common vocabulary and scientific understanding of climate change with class discussion and exercises augmented by guest speakers, films, and readings. We will then switch to the promise of technology and an exponentially evolving application of carbontech, AI, city design, the management of human and species migration, new methods to address scarcity of food and water, policy and technology of coastal management, and the potential for positive change and an optimistic future. Guest speakers, films and reading will augment this portion of the class as well. The final project will be student-designed and embrace optimistic potential as well as political, economic, and social change essential to accomplishing that vision. (A2) (C1) (GC) | Tu 4:00-6:45pm (synchronous online) | Judith Swift |
HPR 224G | 0002 | Honors Colloquium: The Pursuit of Happiness | (3 cr.)"The pursuit of happiness" appears prominently in the U.S. Declaration of Independence as one of three unalienable rights given to all humans, and which governments are created to protect. However, "happiness" is a complex concept that may be defined differently by each of us and may change significantly over the course of our lives. Importantly, the "pursuit" of happiness may be complicated by hardship, loss, and challenges. In this course, we will study the concept of happiness through historical, philosophical, psychological, and sociological lenses. Importantly, we will also trace our own, often challenging, journeys in relation to happiness and develop helpful communication strategies for attaining it in our lives and communities. (A2) (B2) (G) | M 4:00-6:45pm (in person) | Sara Murphy |
HPR 230G | 0001 | Honors Colloquium: Mathematics and Humanity | (3 crs.) Aimed at math and non-math majors alike, this course explores how the development of mathematics parallels human development. We use math to describe the world, especially when we break it down to its constituent parts, thus we ask a fundamental question: Is mathematics a human construct or intrinsic to the world, just waiting to be ever more fully discovered? (A1) (GC) | TuTH 2:00-3:15pm (synchronous online) | Mark Comerford |
HPR 230G | 0002 | Honors Colloquium: CSI Oceans | Join us in a unique class that investigates human-ocean interactions along our coastlines. The class centers around hands-on, data-driven individual study projects and lectures on the processes that support life in the ocean - from physics, to plankton, to whales. | Th 5:00-7:45pm (in person) | Melissa Omand |
HPR 316 | 0001 | Honors Seminar: Tibetan Buddhism | (3 cr. ) This course is to invite students on an exploratory journey to the basics of Buddhist history, culture, philosophy, psychology, ethics and logic in the part of the world known as Tibet. Through in-depth study the students will acquire deeper understanding of Buddhist worldview. The course will examine the origins of Buddhism, the chronology of its introduction into Tibet, and important figures and events in its development over the past 1500 years. Students will be invited to explore fundamental Buddhist teachings and practices for achieving states of well-being, meditation, enlightenment and nirvana. Specific attention will be given to how Buddhist forms of compassion, meditation and wisdom traditions can contribute to peace and happiness in a chaotic and politically conflicted world. The course is also intended to help students enrich their knowledge and skills related to diversity, inclusion, and social harmony. The course will conclude with an analysis of the rapidly growing interest in Buddhism in the west for example its potential for neuroscientific research on mind-body connections. (C3) (A3) | Mo 4:00-6:45pm (synchronous online) | Thupten Tendhar |
HPR 316 | 0002 | Constructing Difference | (3 cr.) In this class we will examine human difference (race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation) and issues of social justice. We will explore our own cultural identities as well as those of others. Through class discussions, readings, and personal reflection, we will learn how differences are created and reinforced. We will attempt to understand ourselves and others in ways other than stereotyped groups or categories; develop an awareness of the causes and effects of structured inequalities and prejudicial exclusion; and work toward being more culturally competent in our daily interactions. (C3) (A3) | TuTh 11:00am-12:15pm (in person) | Lynne Derbyshire |
HPR 344 | 0001 | Images of Masculinity in Films | The course analyzes the visual representation of male characters in feature films, from John Wayne to Johnny Depp. Emphasis is on the impact of those images on our concepts of masculinity. We will explore how specific cinematic images relate to our cultural history, and consequently what implications those images hold for forming, perpetuating, or changing attitudes and perceptions of men, women, and masculinity today. Films viewed in or outside of class include many of the following: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance; A Streetcar Named Desire; Casablanca; Play It Again, Sam; Dirty Harry; Tootsie; Eyes Wide Shut; The Crying Game; Philadelphia; What Women Want; Don Juan DeMarco; 500 Days of Summer; Her; In and Out; Midnight Cowboy; sex, lies, and videotape; Brokeback Mountain; High Fidelity; Rocky; Oleanna, and others. (A4) (B1) | W 3:00-6:30pm (synchronous online) | Thomas Zorabedian |
HPR 344 | 0002 | Student Productions of Digital Media | (4 cr.) Students will produce accurate, objective, and thought provoking videos, which investigate themes of environmental and economic sustainability. (A4) (B1) | Th 4:30-7:15pm (synchronous online) | Roy Bergstrom, Jose Amador |
HPR 375 | 0001 | The Global Burden of Disease | In recent decades, substantial progress has been made in the fight against many diseases, and global life expectancy has risen dramatically. Despite this, the overall burden of disease remains high: While some conditions have abated, others are increasing and or in flux, with various parts of the globe experiencing varying burdens of disease at any given time. Healthcare systems worldwide – particularly those in low- and middle-income countries – continue to struggle to keep pace with population needs as the epidemiology of diseases shifts. In this course, you will explore how the triple burden of infectious disease, noncommunicable disease, and acute injury and illness impact populations worldwide. Through a dynamic, case-based learning approach, you will develop the foundational skills essential to addressing current and future global health challenges associated with the burden of disease. (A2) (C2) | TuTh 9:30-10:45am (in person) | Jen Pigoga |
HPR 375 | 0002 | The Global Burden of Disease | In recent decades, substantial progress has been made in the fight against many diseases, and global life expectancy has risen dramatically. Despite this, the overall burden of disease remains high: While some conditions have abated, others are increasing and or in flux, with various parts of the globe experiencing varying burdens of disease at any given time. Healthcare systems worldwide – particularly those in low- and middle-income countries – continue to struggle to keep pace with population needs as the epidemiology of diseases shifts. In this course, you will explore how the triple burden of infectious disease, noncommunicable disease, and acute injury and illness impact populations worldwide. Through a dynamic, case-based learning approach, you will develop the foundational skills essential to addressing current and future global health challenges associated with the burden of disease. (A2) (C2) | TuTh 12:30-1:45pm (in person) | Jen Pigoga |
HPR 401 | 0001 | Honors Project | (3 crs.) (Independent Study) Pre: permission of the director of the Honors Program, and overall GPA of 3.40 or better. (D1) | independent study | Kathleen McIntyre |
HPR 402 | 0001 | Honors Project | (3 crs.) (Independent Study) Pre: permission of the director of the Honors Program, and overall GPA of 3.40 or better. | independent study | Kathleen McIntyre |
HPR 412 | 0001 | Government and Ethics | (3 crs.) The title of this course is government and ethics, not ethics in government. However important laws and rules about ethics are (and they are very important), when ethical consideration only focus on things like financial conflicts of interest it is insufficient for what most of us understand by good government. For instance good government must, at a minimum, be effective in addition to being well intentioned and 'clean'. In this course we will explore what we understand by good government. | Th 5:00-7:45pm (in person) | Scott Jensen |
HPR 412 | 0002 | Can Europe Transcend Nationalism? | (3 crs.) This course explores four current European crises: an unstable Euro, migration, Brexit, and the Trump presidency. Are they harbingers of a new age of nationalism or inspiration for a deepening of European integration? We will use scholarship from history, political science, economics, and migration studies to seek our answers. | MWF 11:00-11:50am (synchronous online) | James Ward |
HPR 412 | 0003 | Popular Music Criticism | (3 crs.) In this class, students will learn to critique popular music from a culture perspective. This requires examining critical theories and case studies concerning music genres, audiences, and industries. Students will apply this material by producing a range of original criticism focused on a particular music scene. | TuTh 2:00-3:15pm (synchronous online) | Ian Reyes |
HPR 412 | 0004 | Media History | Introduces methodologies and trends in studying media as historical objects and practices. Students explore what media are, their origins, and their interactions with culture, power, the past, and the present. | MW 3:00-4:15pm (synchronous online) | Scott Kushner |
HPR 412 | 0005 | Rowling’s Harry Potter: the meaning of magic for a mundane world | “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends”: everyone has heard of (and most have read) J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter saga, which has spawned movies, themed parks, and a Broadway play. But have you ever wondered about the political, cultural, and ethical messages expounded amongst Hogwarts’ walls? And how can wizardry stories provide a model for our engagement with our muggle world? | MW 9:00-9:50am (in person) F 9:00-9:50am (online) | Giacomo Leoni |
MCE 402 | 0001 | Honors Section of MCE 402: Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design II | (3 crs.) Honors Section of MCE 402: Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design II. Application of engineering skills using a team-based approach. Design process methodology and communication of solutions to real-world engineering problems. Second of a two course sequence. Pre: 3.40 overall GPA and MCE 401 or 401H. Must be taken in the semester following MCE 401. Not for graduate credit. (D1) | WF 12:00-3:00pm (in person) | Bahram Nassersharif |
MGT 446H | 0001 | Integrating Work with the Rest of Our Lives | (3 crs.) In this course, we will explore how people manage and integrate the multiple domains of their lives, including work, family, education, leisure, and community engagement (both physical and virtual). We will look at current research and practice as well as discover how individuals and families from various levels of socio-economic status, organizations, and governments around the world address the challenges associated with work/life integration. Pre: 3.4 overall gpa and MGT (BUS) 342 and senior standing or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit. Honors students do not need the pre-req course and will be given permission numbers. Please contact the Honors office. | MWF 2:00-2:50pm (synchronous online) | Laura Beauvais |
PHL 212H | 0001 | Honors Section of PHL 212: Ethics | (3 crs.) Evaluation of major ethical theories. Application of moral reasoning to topics such as virtues and vices, human dignity, conscience, responsibility, moral dilemmas, and reasons to be moral. Pre: must have a 3.40 overall GPA. (A3) (C3) | MWF 11:00-11:50am (synchronous/asynchronous online) | Rebecca Millsop |
PHY 204H | 0001 | Honors Section of PHY 204: Elementary Physics II | (3 crs.) Honors Section of PHY 204: Elementary Physics II. (Lec. 3) Pre: must have a 3.40 overall GPA. PHY 203 or PHY 203H; credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH 142, and concurrent enrollment in PHY 274. Intended for science or engineering majors. Not open to students with credit in PHY 214. (A1) [Need passing credit in PHY 204 and 274 to fulfill general education requirement.] | MWF 2:00-2:50pm (synchronous online) | Leonard Kahn |
PHY 274H | 0001 | Honors Section of PHY 274: Elementary Physics Laboratory II | (1 cr.) Honors Section of PHY 274: Elementary Physics Laboratory II (Lab. 3) Pre: must have a 3.40 overall GPA. Concurrent enrollment with PHY 204. (A1) [Need passing credit in PHY 204 and 274 to fulfill general education requirement.] | TuTh 2:00-3:15pm (synchronous online) | Leonard Kahn |
PSC 274H | 0001 | Honors Section of CCJ/PSC 274: Criminal Justice System | (3 crs.) Honors Section of CCJ/PSC 274: Cross-listed as (CCJ), PSC 274H. The American system of criminal justice, general processing of cases, principal actors, study of theories of criminal law, and pretrial detention and sentencing. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: 3.40 or higher overall GPA. THIS IS A COMBINED SECTION CLASS | TuTh 11:00am-12:15pm (synchronous online) | Jill Doerner |