Honors Project
The Honors Project provides a capstone research, scholarly and creative experience for students completing the Honors Program. It offers talented and motivated undergraduate students the opportunity for independent, distinguished research and creative work that is oftentimes not available until graduate studies. This project is done under the guidance of a faculty sponsor and culminates in a presentation at the annual Honors Project Conference.
Info Sessions
Each semester several Honors Project Info Sessions are held in Lippitt. These are announced through social media, including the Honors website, and via email to those on the Honors listserve. Honors Project Info Sessions are meant to comprehensively introduce students to information needed to get started. Everyone is invited, and everyone who plans to complete HPR 401/402 must attend once.
Information Sessions will be shared over email.
Before you can start working on your Honors Project, you must submit an Honors Project Proposal and Application Form to the Honors Program. If you will have human subjects in your Honors project, you will need to fill out information for the Institutional Review Board.
Once you have attended a project information session, drop-in hours to discuss your proposal or project will be available.
In the fall semester of each year, the University’s Research Office in conjunction with the Office of the Provost make available on a competitive basis Undergraduate Research Awards to defray costs incurred in undergraduate research and creative work. Discuss this with your sponsor and watch for the call for proposals around the middle of the fall semester. Applications for these awards require a statement of support from the faculty sponsor. In addition, the Honors Program is fortunate to have special funds for student projects from various memorial scholarships and the Office of the Provost. Once your project has been approved, use this form for budget requests for Honors Project resources:
Budget and awards
Honors Opportunity Fund