Chinese Language Flagship Program
Living and Learning Community
The Chinese Language Flagship Program Living and Learning Community provides first-year students with a living environment that promotes personal growth, academic success, and a smooth transition from high school to college.
See an overview of LLCs at URI
Incoming first-year students admitted to the Chinese Language Flagship Program who request on-campus housing are automatically eligible for assignment to the LLC residence hall.
Learn more about Living and Learning Community housing assignments.
Programming and Traditions
Here are just a few of the opportunities available to you through the Chinese Language Flagship Program LLC, whether or not you live in Tucker Hall:
- Flagship Orientation and Linguistic Preparation (week prior to regularly-scheduled move-in for First Year Flagship Students
- Chinese Tutoring
- Flagship Career Path Panel
- Meet the Deans and Faculty Forum
- Chinese Cultural Events: Movie Nights, Lectures, Cooking, and more
- Piece of Cake: Registration Help, with Faculty and Advisors
- Chinese Tea Time
- Ice Cream Social
- Scholarship Info Sessions
Staff and Contacts
Resident Academic Mentor (RAM)
Annie Liang
Majors: Chinese and Computer Science
Class Year: 2025
Hometown: Westerly, RI
Academic Partner
Yu (Joyce) Wu, Associate Professor of Chinese; Chinese Language Flagship Program Director