Welcome to HPCL!

Room 440, 2 East Alumni Avenue, Kingston, RI, 02881 – USA  

The High Performance Computing Laboratory (HPCL) was founded in 1992 with the research focus on high performance computer architecture, computer network, storage architecture, parallel and distributed processing, embedded computer systems,  and computer applications. Since its founding, the lab has drawn a great amount of supports from federal funding agencies such as National Science Foundation,  Office of Naval Research, National Institute of Health, and others. Numerous high quality papers have been published in technical journals and computer conferences. Many students have graduated with PhD and MS degrees who are leaders in academic research and computer industry. Research innovations generated from this lab have resulted in numerous patents, copyrights, and successful start up companies.

Recent Media Coverage

  1. Speech at RI State House 2024
  2. AAPI Celebration at RI State House 2023
  3. A New Scholarship is established at URI
  4. On NBC10 News
  5. URI-Foundation Magazine Article
  6. Playing Poker for Public Safety
  7. URI Chinese-American Community Steps Up to Protect Local First Responders
  8. From innovation to successful company
  9. Engineering Professor Qing Yang formed a company to commercialize several of his patents
  10. Faster computers for a faster world
  11. Helping people improving their quality of life
  12. Three Startups from URI — Boston Business Journal