The department of kinesiology at URI is located in the Independence Square building. Kinesiology houses 3 traditional classrooms with multimedia integration as well as 9 laboratories that incorporate the most relevant and cutting edge equipment in the field. Kinesiology students will have the opportunity to use all of these facilities throughout their academic career through coursework or by becoming involved in various research or community outreach project run by Kinesiology faculty. In addition to the kinesiology facilities described below lab space is also shared with the physical therapy department and the hearing and speech center that housed in the same building.
Kinesiology Laboratories
Human Performance Laboratory: In the human performance laboratory students will use state of the art technology to perform a wide variety of physiological and human performance tests.
Health Fitness Laboratory: The Health Fitness Lab is a 1500 square foot laboratory space equipped with all of the exercise equipment you’d expect from a world class training facility in addition to various laboratory and field fitness testing equipment.

Body Composition Lab: The body composition lab is used to obtain accurate measurements of composition and % body fat using cutting edge technology in order to assess health risks, set training and nutrition goals and accurately track changes in body composition overtime.
Gender Health & Aging Lab: The gender health and aging lab is general lab space used for collecting various psychological, sociological, and questionnaire measurements in a private and comforting space.

Motion Analysis Laboratory: The motion analysis lab is used to perform biomechanical analysis complex motions such as standing, walking, running, jumping or throwing.
Biochemistry Lab, Tissue Preparation Lab & Light Microscopy Lab: These three laboratories are used for a variety of basic physiological and anatomical measurements such as collecting, processing and analyzing blood or muscle samples.
Bone Density & Cardiovascular Testing Lab: The bone density & cardiovascular testing lab is equipped with various large scale, cutting edge pieces of equipment that can be used to assess the health of various body structures from the density of the bones of the vertebrae to the vascular stiffness of the arteries.
Collaborative Cognitive Neuroscience Lab: The Collaborative Cognitive Neuroscience Lab is comprised of researchers within the College of Health Sciences, including Kinesiology and Communication Disorders. This laboratory utilizes technologies such as eye-tracking and EEG to provide a window into the neural substrates associated with language and cognition.